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Do you want to keep our net neutrality or do you want a two tier Internet where we get the slow tier?

The FCC makes the final decision but they are listening to the public before deciding. So, do you? Do you like the Internet we have now which is "net neutrality" or do you want the slow side of a two-tier Internet?


Net Neutrality: Internet service stays the same, no new government intervention.

Two Tier Internet: Government regulated break up of existing Internet into two parts, one fast, one slow.

Net Neutrality: Every bit if data is treated the same across the Internet.

Two Tier Internet: Some bits are treated better than other bits

Update 2:

This isn't about the download speed you choose from your service provider. That's only about the last mile to your house, from your ISP to you. The bulk of the travel distance your data covers is running at the lightning fast speeds of the overall Internet.

7 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    Wouldn't be great if everyone could get the same speed as the big companies? How about forcing everyone to V.92 protocol. The progressives should love that the evil corporations would have no advantage over the poor and minorities. Net neutrality looks great

  • Jared
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    No one would get "the slow side" of a multi-tiered Internet. The idea is that Netflix would get more bandwidth than "Joe's Cool Blog About Ponies."

    There are arguments for both sides; allocating bandwidth to popular services would make the Internet seem faster to 90% of people - at the expense of people like Joe and his pony blog.

  • 7 years ago

    I want to keep net neutrality.

    I also wonder about how the major broadband providers would get around the contracts they signed with their customers.

    We pay for a specific speed and if it drops below that and hits the speed of a lower cost plan then would they not be violating those contracts?

    Would their customers not be able to sue for breach of contract?

    Or even use that as a get out of the contract for free card?

  • AmberP
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I would prefer to just keep things as they are. I have the option to get high speed internet or lower speed internet from my cable provider. I pay what I think is an okay price for high speed, if it isn't broke, don't try to fix it.

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  • 7 years ago

    "Net neutrality" is just dishonest government double-speak marketing...from the same Gruber-type liars that brought you Obamacare.

    If it were so terrible, it would already be happening. The WORST thing to do is allow the same efficiency and honesty that runs the VA or IRS gain control of the internet.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I want Government ran internet service so we can get it free.

  • John W
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I think they will make everybody equally slow

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