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Lv 5

Why should I wait until marriage to have sex?

I am of completely legal age, which means I can have sex with any other consenting adult that I want to now, and if I so choose I can marry that person when ever I want.

I am a single female, virgin, and have started university. I don't involve religion in any aspect of my life, and would NEVER choose to wait until marriage just because of the bible. It is a personal choice and I want people to respect that.

However, I'm very spiritual, and I believe in forming a strong, deep and possibly everlasting bond with someone before I have sex with them. I've decided I want my first time to be with someone I love very deeply. I'm 50/50 on my decision to wait until marriage, but as I am becoming more adult I feel its my responsibility to deicide these things for myself so I can be ready and confident in what I want when the right person comes along. I believe sex and marriage aren't related and once I find a partner we will be very careful and very through in discussing our personal preferences, and what were both comfortable and not comfortable doing. And that when were both ready, we shouldn't let marriage stop us from having sex, because as you know weddings and marriages can be expensive and very exhausting.

So basically, I'd just like to know people's personal opinions on the subject? If people could tell me their experiences with their partners and why waiting or not waiting until marriage made them stronger that would be really helpful? Thanks!


Btw I'm well aware of STDs and the threat of pregnancy... I'm normally the one lecturing my friends about being more careful and to always use protection!

62 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you wait until marriage you automatically push out the guys with bad intentions. Be upfront and tell them you are waiting .. I'm 18 I wish I would have waited until marriage :) I have a lot of respect for you because you have waited :)

  • Rose
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    You sound like a sensible person leaving religion and everything out the reason to wait is the simple fact of pregnancy alone. You want security before you bring children into the world the reason you hear of teen mothers or unplanned pregnancies is because not ALL of these people just did something foolish and didn't use protection their plan failed. Leaving many young mother's the choice to raise or do something I am very against, pregnancy termination and no matter how you look at it. It's not something you want to go through while you're trying to start your life out. Sex can complicate things I know it's glorified and everything but I can say that half of those boys in your school will not know the first thing about sex. It takes practice and learning about a partner sure you could spend your time teaching your partner what you like learning what he likes but in the end it's a lot of work learning everything to make sure sex is great to be with someone who it may not last with. Just a messy thing, sex isn't a porn show you're not going to come out feeling like you just fell from heaven either it's good..or it's not. And in most cases it won't be. Men in real life (most young men) don't last more then a few minutes from their pretrained brains of masturbation. Really so your first time will likely last less then five minutes leaving you feeling strange, frustrated, and sore for what? Because you may love the boyfriend? What if you break up the next day,month or year from then? You will regret the choice that you gave it away. I know not many people think about it when the hormones start rolling in buy more often then not people who give away their virginity regret it and wish they could have gave it to the husband they fell in love with. Someone they invest time into and know that when it's all said in done there's more to grow from it.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Does he know you want to wait until marriage? If he's been with you for three years and you haven't had sex then I think you can handle 6 more years. Why won't you get married until you're at least 25? Everyone I know has gotten married before that (okay, most I know have). You're only 19 and he's only 20. There's no such thing as too long of a wait because it's not about how long it's been, it's about when you're comfortable making that commitment. I wish I'd waited, I really do. And I lost mine when I was older than you are but I will always wonder it would be like to have a honeymoon for the true purpose of having a honeymoon (the "alone" time). I don't regret losing my virginity because I'm with that same guy (despite a 2 year long break up), but a part of me wishes that I hadn't given in so easily.

  • 6 years ago

    I think that sex is something that is deeply personal and only you can decide if you want to have sex or not. I personally intend on waiting for someone who I have strong feelings for--and, no, I might not marry that person, it might not last, and after that person there could be someone else. I personally feel like sex can strengthen a relationship and make the couple more intimate and connected (if it is entirely consensual and there is no pressure). If it's your first time, it's nerve-wracking, but if you truly want to wait until marriage, you'll find The One who will respect that. If you stick with that value, there will be people who choose to find someone with a different value, too, but it's important to be with someone who respects you. Be on birth control and/or use condoms, and know that sex before marriage or sex with multiple partners does not make you a sl*t. It's deeply personal and no one has the right to judge someone on their sex life. If you really care for this person or if you feel like you're ready, go for it. If you're hesitant, wait it out until you feel ready--and who knows, maybe you'll finally be ready on wedding night, or maybe you'll feel ready by the time Saturday rolls around. Trust your judgment. If you know you'll regret it the next morning, don't do it. If you know you'll be able to wake up in the morning and feel content and have no regrets, go for it.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I think sometimes people who don't know the difference between SEX and LOVE get even more confused.

    Some "Virgins" assume that even BAD relationships will get better once they start having SEX...that SEX is the "fix all". THIS can be a problem. TOO, unrealistic ideas of what sex will be like once you start having it.

    I'm not for peer pressure. If you don't want sex before marriage ...DON'T have it.

    On the other hand, having sex will give you a better idea of what IT is really about, and a better chance to understand the difference between "falling in Love" and "lust".

    What if you NEVER get married? Then what?...NO SEX EVER? Oh what you miss .

    The important thing is respecting yourself and whoever you are with . "Virgins" are respectable as are people who have SEX . The idea is to be yourself and "balance" your Life in a way that doesn't give you false and unrealistic expectation either way. Good luck. Peace.

  • 6 years ago

    It's great to hear that you are well aware of contraception and STDs. In my opinion, I would have sex (whether it is to lose my virginity or after having lost it) with someone I am in a serious relationship with. I am not the one for casual sex or hook-ups. Although, some people say that sex and love are different and unrelated, in my experience, I have found that sex is more enjoyable, satisfying and wholesome if it's done with someone you love than a random pick-up from a club.

    I have done both and quite frankly, I didn't enjoy the casual sex. Since then, I haven't ventured into that territory. I am single and willing to date and fall in love. But due to lack of dating opportunities, I can't. This does tempt me into making booty calls or finding casual sex, but I never let them get the better of me. I know it won't be enjoyable and I will regret it.

    So, to sum it up, I won't wait till marriage for sex and clearly I haven't. I would have sex with the girl I am in a relationship with and I did just that in my past relationships. A disclaimer - I am not religious or spiritual, so none of my opinions comes from those points of view. Cheers!

  • 6 years ago

    I'm waiting and I want to promise to someone to live with them forever because, when you have sex, that person becomes a part of you. You become one body. If you have sex with them and then separate and don't live your life together, it is like you took two pieces of paper and glued them together and then tried to rip them apart but then some of the paper was stuck on the other one and one of them was torn. So I will wait and promise to stay with them forever no matter what and I will and so I will not suffer unnecessary damage and be torn. I hope the illustration made sense.

    Or another illustration, is if you break two raw eggs (like the kind from the store that chickens lay that you eat for breakfast) and then mix the two separate eggs together, and they are one, you can't separate them again. If you try, some of them will always be left in you. Even if it was just a "fling." So I want to stay with someone forever and forever be apart of them.

    Does that make sense? I hope I'm making sense. At least that's my personal choice and some reasons and beliefs behind it. Hope this helps (:

  • 6 years ago

    I personally think that you are right, it's your decision since you are not into the bible and stuff, and even marriage in itself is not so sacred anymore-too much divorced . But from personal experience, life is no fairy tale its very hard to find a guy that's in it for the long run. Most guys just wanna hit it and quit it. So unless you are mentally prepared to deal with the fact that '' you might have sex with someone who you thought you had a spiritual connection with and then they just walk out on you after they got what they wanted, then go for it.

  • 6 years ago

    I am no one to tell anyone 'What they should or not' but as you are asking it:

    Human's are the only 'Social animal' with 'Consciousness' ... It's part of your self control, it's good to your morality & your personality.

    Even online it's an hard question to answer ..:-) ... It's just a personal choice .... If you are young guy or girl: Just a suggestion, 'Don't have it for sake of it or to show to your friends or peer's of some kind of achievement'...It's an outcome of extreme love to the person you love most... It's not SEX it's 'LOVE-MAKING' ...Marriage is an indicator of socially accepted norm but more of 'Matured relationship' ... ufff....

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Conflict or anger itself does not have to cause an irreparable rift between partners. With good communication skills and a shared commitment to a marriage, even these are surmountable. How to save your marriage

    However, at that point where one partner is at the brink of abandoning the relationship, how can the remaining partner save their marriage? If you are at the point where your spouse has asked for a divorce, what can you do?

    You must realize first that, you do have a choice. Often, when confronted by a crisis, we find ourselves backed into a corner thinking we have no choice in the matter. How can we change the situation when it involves another person's feelings or decisions? While we cannot, must not and in no way manipulate, blackmail or threaten our partner into changing their mind, we can actually control how we react to the situation. If anything, you must realize that you still have control over yourself. You have the opportunity to look inward and take responsibility for your own feelings and actions and even have the chance to take personal inventory of what your partner is trying to tell you. Are there points in your marriage that must be changed? If so, respond appropriately and proactively.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I'm still a virgin, and I'm saving sex for marriage because even though you can get a partner that you will love and treasure, and you may think its a good idea, what if you break up? Then you can feel like you just wasted losing your virginity. It's a sacred thing that you can only lose once, so I think you should wait for a special person, and that would be your husband when you marry him. I am also a spiritual and religious person, but that is my main reason. Hope this helps, but overall its your decision. Have a nice day!

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