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  • What does his hand holding mean?

    I've been "seeing" this guy for a while now. But we haven't talked about whether or not were actually going on dates or not. I'm actually not sure if he likes me or not. But I've had three "unofficial-dates" with him now, one where he took me out to dinner and a movie (which felt like a date to me). We hug whenever we see each other and when saying good bye but nothing else has happened.

    I haven't seen him for a few months but we've been chatting over social media sites. Recently I was able to meet up with him and some friends of ours at a social event. At one point he grabbed my hand, which surprised me and when the moment came to either let it go or keep holding it he didn't let go. We held hands with our fingers intertwined a couple of times while walking around in public. He was the one who kept initiating the hand holding, and I watched and he never tried to hold the hands of his other female friends.

    He's never held my hand before this, and it makes me think he's starting to like me back? Could this be a step in slowly building a relationship, or does it sound like he just see's me as a friend?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What's the ugliest human emotion?

    Coming from your own personal experience, what do you think is the ugliest human emotion?

    Everyone can have their own opinion, but please be respectful.

    Just so I'm not left out, I'll say that Anger would be one of the ugliest emotions. My reason is because Anger is one of the first building blocks towards Hate, and hatred is an absolutely ugly emotion.

    Also, what's the most beautiful human emotion?

    I think Joy is one of the most beautiful human emotions. Something compares to when you are feeling happy.

    6 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • To all the parents out there how would you feel...?

    How would you feel if your son/daughter told you that the majority of their memories of you are unpleasant ones?

    Would you feel hurt? Frightened? Angry? Shocked?

    I'm curious to know because I feel like every parents wants their children to look up to them, and I think it would be disappointing (maybe heartbreaking) to find out that your kid can't recall very many good things about you. I'm not a parent myself, so I don't know.

    4 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Where do you WANT to go after you die?

    Ok this might seem like a weird concept, but out of curiosity, lets say you got to choose what happened to you after you died, what would you want to happen?

    And it can be anything (except... you can't avoid death, so that means no re-births as yourself)...

    But you could say, I want to be re-born (not as the same person) but reborn as a millionare's son/daughter and you get to choose what your parents are like... or maybe you want to go to heaven and live there, or lets say your heaven is personalised and in this "heaven" you believe you have been re-born as a millionare or something like that...

    Basically (if given the option) what would you WANT to happen to you after you die? Or do you care?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • How is alcohol suppose to make you feel?

    My friend (who has experience with drinking for fun) says that alcohol should make you start to feel good, or giddy after drinking some of it. I'm not saying a lot, but she says if you drink enough to make you a little tipsy it should make you feel relaxed or kinda happy for no reason and silly. Is this true?

    Because we all were drinking on new years eve and I only had a bit (because it was my first time actually drinking more than a sip) and I did not feel relaxed or happy at all. The alcohol made my ears feel unnaturally warm, and my ears felt clogged with something, almost like water? I just felt kinda slow and a little bit tired and drowsy. I also had to pee A LOT.

    My friend says you get used to it, but I'm a control freak. Anything that messes with my senses freaks me out, so I was kinda uncomfortable with the overall feeling the alcohol gave me, thus I stopped drinking. I was just wondering, is this a normal feeling?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • How to kiss a guy for the first time?

    I've had this crush on a guy for a while and we've been out on two dates together.

    He seems really into me however he hasn't tried to kiss me at all!

    But since I've gotten to know him more I feel ready for kiss on our next date.

    Honestly though I don't think he would make the first move unless I literally tell him to kiss me.

    He's kinda blind sometimes! XD

    Therefore, I'm hoping to relieve his nervousness and stress and just go ahead and kiss him myself!

    However I'm not good at grabbing moments so I was wondering when the best moments on dates are to kiss someone?

    Please don't say at the end because that would be the WORST time to do it.

    But let's say we go to dinner or the movies or something?

    Should I kiss him before dinner, after?

    While were in the movie theatre?

    When's a good time, because I'm not good at picking moments?

    Should I just go for it the moment when we are close to each other and alone?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How much does an average tattoo cost?

    My friend is wanting to get a tattoo and she's currently saving up the money. She wants to get a rose done, and I don't know how big it will be. I'd assume the tattoo will be the actual size of a rose at maximum.

    Since Christmas is coming up, I thought it would be sweet of me to just give her some money to put forward for her tattoo. However, since I don't know how much it would cost, I don't know how much money to put forward? I was also going to get her some roses to go with the money. Would a simple $20 be a good amount to give forth for her tattoo? I don't want to be cheap but roses are expensive and I also have other friends and family to buy for.

    How much should I give her based on how expensive her tattoo with be? But also keeping in mind this is an expensive season and I can't just give her $40 because that's to much to spend when I have like seven other people to buy for as well...?

    5 AnswersTattoos6 years ago
  • Does he see me romantically or as a friend?

    I like this guy and we went out together for the first time recently and I'm not sure if he see's me romantically or not?

    I'll give some of my observations from the "date" and I'd like if someone could tell me if I was reading his signals as romantic or not?

    - he paid for my ticket to get into the event (he didn't offer to pay for any of his friends way in )

    - he introduced me to a bunch of his friends (they were all super nice to me)

    - he would check himself (like mid-conversation when he was getting really into it, I could see him realize that I wasn't in it and he would then move towards me or look at me to make sure I was still having a good time)

    - he would playfully punch me in the arm (and got me to do it to him)

    - we kinda held hands for a bit before / then he touched my hands to teach me how to use something

    - he would lean in and lower his voice to explain something to me or make me feel included when I didn't know what him and his friends were talking about

    - he would constantly ask me if I was ok, how I was doing / when we were walking outside asked if I was cold, he didn't ask any of his friends if they were ok with the cold (they were all other girls)

    - we had stuff in common

    - he talked about hanging out again / how delightful I was

    - we hugged at the end

    Are these romantic intentions, because I feel like they are?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Am I going on a date?

    How do you know your going on a date or if it's just two people hanging out as potential friends?

    I only ask because my crush asked me to hangout. My intuition is telling me he's also into me, but I hate to make assumptions. We never really talked before this, so I don't know if he see's me romantically or not. He's always been friendly to me, but we never talked until I started initiating conversations with him.

    He seems excited to meet me, this will be the first time we've ever really "hung out" not to mention it will be "one-on-one". He's the one who made the plans if that matters.

    Is it a date?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Why should I wait until marriage to have sex?

    I am of completely legal age, which means I can have sex with any other consenting adult that I want to now, and if I so choose I can marry that person when ever I want.

    I am a single female, virgin, and have started university. I don't involve religion in any aspect of my life, and would NEVER choose to wait until marriage just because of the bible. It is a personal choice and I want people to respect that.

    However, I'm very spiritual, and I believe in forming a strong, deep and possibly everlasting bond with someone before I have sex with them. I've decided I want my first time to be with someone I love very deeply. I'm 50/50 on my decision to wait until marriage, but as I am becoming more adult I feel its my responsibility to deicide these things for myself so I can be ready and confident in what I want when the right person comes along. I believe sex and marriage aren't related and once I find a partner we will be very careful and very through in discussing our personal preferences, and what were both comfortable and not comfortable doing. And that when were both ready, we shouldn't let marriage stop us from having sex, because as you know weddings and marriages can be expensive and very exhausting.

    So basically, I'd just like to know people's personal opinions on the subject? If people could tell me their experiences with their partners and why waiting or not waiting until marriage made them stronger that would be really helpful? Thanks!

    62 AnswersMarriage & Divorce6 years ago
  • Have you seen Gone Girl yet?

    If so, what's your reaction to the movie, the ending and to the overall characters?

    I'm very curious as I just watched it and want to see if anyone has similar opinions to me.

    3 AnswersMovies6 years ago
  • Is he interested and should I take him up on his offer?

    I saw my crush recently, as everyone came home for graduation, and I think he’s starting to warm up to me. I talked / joked with him during the ceremony. I made him laugh once but expected that to be the last time we'd talk. Surprisingly he came over to where I was with my friends and we all talked as a group. I was caught off guard when he told me “we should meet up” and I said yeah that’s be great and we actually hugged before he left. All of my friends said he was directly talking to me and pointed out how he only asked me to “meet up” and only gave ME a hug.

    It makes me wonder why he would only hug me and only ask me to “meet up” when he’s friends with my best friends as well? And why he would do both those things in front of my friends, if not to show me he’s interested in just me specifically? Now I’m wondering if he might be interested and if I should message him again and take him up on his offer, or even just to chat some more?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Can someone help me find a link to a monologue? PLS HELP?

    I did a monologue from the play "See Bob Run" by Daniel Macivor and it was the best monologue I never performed in my whole high school career. Now, I have to write about a performance I did for a university paper, and I need a copy of the monologue.

    I've been searching high and low all over the internet and can't find the monologue, so if anybody has a link to it I'd be insanely grateful.

    I remember bits and pieces of it, and it starts off something like this: "And I come home, and there he is. There he is. Sittin on a kitchen chair in the livin room. I hate that. Kitchen chairs are for the kitchen, and one the TV he's not some stupid movie they only play in the afternoon for people who are to scared to go outside. And he starts...." and so on and so forth.

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerTheatre & Acting7 years ago
  • What to expect in university philosophy class?

    I'm taking a generalized philosophy class in university (because that's the only interesting thing) and I'm wondering what to expect?

    What topics do we learn about?

    Are there people I need to know about?

    Are their many open debates in the lectures?

    Are you expected to always participate because I'm a shy person who lives a pretty simple life, you know treat others how you want to be treated and what not?

    Are we expected to give an opinion about EVERYTHING because I embrace the unknown and like the idea of never really knowing anything for real or not, you know?

    What kinds of essays do you write?

    Is there a heck load of reading because I'm a slow reader?

    Any other things I should look out for?

    Is it ok to ask the teachers lots of questions if I don't understand everything?

    3 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • Do teachers check their emails during the summer?

    Like, ok. We have this thing (at my school) where all the teachers have like "school emails" and its interconnected over a huge system... I'm just wondering if (as a teacher) they would check this email over the summer?

    I sent my teacher an email (though I'm not a high school student anymore) thanking him and stuff and I need to make sure he got it?

    I don't know where to find any other email and I'm not comfortable emailing his "personal email" if I never found out what it was... So do they check accounts?

    2 AnswersTeaching7 years ago
  • Should I be upfront about my feelings?

    So I’m a really shy girl, and talking about my feelings makes me uncomfortable. But once you get to know me you’ll realize I have a whole bunch of confidence hidden away inside that I normally don’t show.

    It’s the end of the year and since I’ve actually got more confidence than I lead on, I decided to put my actual crush down as my “crush” in the yearbook. I dunno I think it’s really brave and it was kinda my way of “putting myself out there” without actually having to go tell my crush I like him. I’ve been trying to show him that I’M INTERESTED by asking him to dance at prom and trying to talk to him more, but there’s only so much I can do before I just come right out and ask him on a date?

    I have NO IDEA if he’s interested in me, and in complete honestly getting rejected would blow a lot of my self confidence since I’m genuinely interested in getting to know this guy... He’s mentioned meeting up and chatting over summer break, but he’s very polite and kind like that to everyone? I just don’t know WHEN or IF it’s a good idea to ask him out or just tell him I REALLY like him?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • My friend has started having sex...?

    My friend has started having sex and even though we are still in high school I refuse to judge her. I'm extremely open minded and I just want her to be safe.

    I'm planning on having a discussion with her about it, and I'm wondering what exactly I should bring up?

    I think its a good idea for her to THINK about what she would do if she JUST SO HAPPENED to get an unwanted/ unexpected pregnancy. How would she keep the baby, she's in high school, could she live with an abortion? Are these smart things to bring up? I'm also going to tell her to talk to her boyfriend about this subject as well... How does he feel about abortion, and is he prepared to pull up his socks and start working if she decides to keep the baby? I'm not sure if she's on birth control, but she ALWAYS uses protection...

    I was also going to talk to her about looking up a gynecologist. I've never been sexual, so I don't know how long after you need to start going for check ups? When do you go in for check ups?

    Also.... STDs. I wanna ask her to talk to her boyfriend about how they would both deal if one of them were to become infected... Again, I'm not sexual, so I don't know if they can just show up, or what? How do you actually get an STD, and who should you talk to if you think you might have one? Either way, I want her (and him) to get tested... where would you go to get tested? The doctors office, a hospital?

    Is it to much to ask her to promise me NOT to have sex until she does all of these things?

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • How close do you stand to your friends?

    Like, while sitting or standing and talking or walking together? What's the eye contact like?

    I just noticed this, and I find it honestly depends on the level of comfort and trust with the other person. With one of my friends, we were in the hallway and stopped to talk (we were going different directions) and the two of us stand INCREDIBLY close when were together.

    Like, if I moved just a bit, our noses would touch, and (though you may find it creepy) we're literally at a kissing distance and whenever we stop and talk like this we both look DIRECTLY into each others eyes and don't break eye contact. Were both soooooooo comfortable and "in-tune" around each other that we always use intense eye contact and sometimes just stare at each other, while being 2centemeters apart and don't say anything because we can verbally communicate through our eyes by now... Like we don't even need to talk, we just feed off the eye contact and physically closeness......

    But with other friends I still don't like standing close to them or looking at them for two long...

    Why is that?

    How close do you stand to your friends or best friends?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago