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Recently purchased a home I'd like to rent.?

It has 3 toilets and they all have a nasty urine buildup under the rim inside of the toilet. (not the seat) I've tried all kinds of cleansers but none have worked. I'd rather not replace the toilets. Any suggestions?

9 Answers

  • Steve
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    If you tried cleansers and it's still there, then it's probably water/mineral stains. A pumice stone will do the trick, or let it go since it must be hard to see anyway.

  • 6 years ago

    Use pumice stone to clean those calcium deposits or any other stains. I got rid of a lot of toilet rings using this product. Just physically rub it on the area and the deposit disappears. And you dont have to worry about nasty smelling chemicals. You can follow up with monthly applications of white vinegar to keep everything sparkling.

  • Kathy
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Put a dry detergent TIDE is best in a spray bottle and spray the area for a few days toaweek. Leave the sprayed water on the mess and gradually it will break down to where you can scrub it off.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Spray bleach cleaner. Every time you use the toilet, spray it really, really good.. until you see a good change.. Eventually with a bit of rubbing. it should start to look much cleaner. Every time! you use it.

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  • 6 years ago

    Use a Pumice Stone. You can buy one at any pool supply and Lowes and Home Depot sells them.

  • 6 years ago

    It is more likely mineral buildup from hard water. you can try CLR or get some pumice stones and scrub them off.

  • 6 years ago

    Are you sure that isn't some sort of hard water deposit or a stain? You might try a product like CLR and see if that eats away at it.

  • Sum
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Nasty stuff like that comes out with muriatic acid really well. Muriatic is what masons use when they clean up their stone work - and it's sold at the stone yard. If you're a landlord, you might want to get a gallon of this stuff for really miserable cleaning jobs.

    Suddenly toilets and sinks are really White! You have to put some in the toilet and stop breathing in there for a bit - it's a strong acid. But it's just hydrochloric acid.

    The only downside to it is that if you use very much, it will instantly rust any iron stuff around it. But I've used it on absolutely hopeless looking toilets and sinks and tubs.

  • 6 years ago

    You could try a pumice stone.

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