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Anonymous asked in Cars & TransportationOther - Cars & Transportation · 6 years ago

Why do we not have flying cars?

As a kid who grew up in the 1990s I loved science fiction. I was alwys led to believe we would have flying cars by now. However, I am dissapointed that in this Furure they do not exist. And if they do exist they look more like plane cars. I want to know why do we still not have flying cars and when will we get them!

4 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    the technology is far too expensive to make regular people be able to fly.

    only until the last couple years have we started to see any advances in automated cars. this is a huge step but we're still a long way away from flying cars if we ever get them.

    think about this. a regular drivers license take very little studying to achieve. a quick read through a driver handbook and maybe a couple (12-24) hours of practice and most people are skilled enough to get a drivers license. despite how easy it is to get a license, people still crash their cars all the time.

    now think about how long it takes to get a pilots license. a commercial pilot spends around $60,000 over a long period of time to get the training to become a commercial pilot. but the training isn't all. they must then get thousands of hours of experience in lower level positions before they move on to become an airline transport pilot.

    this difference in difficulty from just driving to flying is what makes flying cars be incredibly difficult. a flying car needs to be able to fly completely on its own without any inputs from the owner other than a desired destination.

    beyond the technical difficulties comes the issue of necessity. air travel has gotten very expensive with the rising costs of fuel. many jobs that required travel no longer require it. instead, many people are resorting to using other technology to communicate with others. one example of this that I have personally seen is from Blackberry. (the phone company). they have some positions called Carrier Service Manger. years ago, this position meant having to travel to visit each carrier every year to make sure that the relationship between the carrier and Blackberry was on solid standing. now, rather than flying one or two people, the carriers are met with a much larger team through video conferences. these meetings can include more people at a greatly reduced cost.

    as more people learn that they can do their jobs from one location with the help of the internet and other technology, travel becomes less important. I think that in the future we'll see much less travel as the separation between hard and soft skills (hands on building and management) becomes more prominent and those in managerial positions will do their work mainly from home and those in technical positions will live close to their work. I doubt we'll ever get flying cars at all.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    I think it must have been you leading yourself to believe that. Yes, and they once thought everyone would drive around in lake and river faring cars as well. But when people grew up (some, like Peter Pan never do) they realized that things like flying cars were not sensible ideas outside of the imagination. The Jeston's (after the Flinstones and before you were born) was for cartoons only. For example, how could you ever build enough roadway to provide enough runways for all the cars needing to take off and land. And how would you like to drop out of the sky for a fender bender. On the ground you would say a curse and drive on. In the air, you would say a curse and then die (along with anyone your caplane dropped on to). And how would you ever control traffic with such a hodgepodge of flying and driving. Finally--I'm the first on to think of this--how would you make your fellow drivers green with envy of your beautiful new car if the only thing they would see is the cars bottom? So, now you can be the first in your own right: the first to never again ask about the silly notion of flying cars!

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago


  • DEE W
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    If we did the sh&theads using cellphone would be crashing out of the skies.

    Source(s): Study a UCLA concluding that 10 out 9 people drive better with a cellphone shoved up their a#s.
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