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Is teaching our kids multiculturalism and loathing of this country eating away at America's soul?

I'm reminded of something Bono Vox of the band U2 once said, comparing Americans to his own countrymen...:

"In the United States, you look at the guy that lives in the mansion on the hill, and you think, you know, one day, if I work really hard, I could live in that mansion. In Ireland, people look up at the guy in the mansion on the hill and go, one day, I'm going to get that bastard."

But when I look around here, it seems like at least half the posters here (most of whom I assume are Americans) are members of the "I'm gonna get that bastard" crowd. Are we slowly losing that whatever-it-is that makes us uniquely American?

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, liberals like obama have more or less destroyed America. Thanks a lot, dudes.

  • 6 years ago

    Isn't multiculturalism what makes America what it is? The fact that anyone regardless of race or beliefs has a chance to make it here? Now granted there are always those with the "Im going to get that bastard" attitude, but there will always be those who envy others success. Not saying it's right but I don't think it can be blamed on multiculturalism. As far as "teaching loathing" of this country, maybe you could list some specific examples. I don't doubt there are those that do loathe this country but i don't see it as some grand conspiracy brought on by multiculturalism. Im reminded of something Paul Hewson once said. “Love thy neighbor” is not a piece of advice, it’s a command. And that means in the global village we’re going to have to start loving a whole lot more people, that’s what that means." Yeah I know you are atheist and im not a believer so don't get all bent out of shape by that quote. My whole point is like it or not multiculturalism is here and people are going to have to start working together. I also see numerous people on here with the it's all libs fault or all cons fault. There's plenty of blame to go around with why america is in the shape it's in.

  • 6 years ago

    It's an illusion to think that ONE DAY I'll be rich and famous and own a big house...It just isn't going to happen. And Capitalism WANTS you to think that you honestly have a chance at it. You don't...You just don't....Are there stories of people who have accomplished this? Yeah, sure, I'm not denying that. But for every single American who dreams of this to actually get it? Not going to happen and that is what is actually eating away at American culture, this idea that wealth somehow defines us and makes us powerful, it doesn't...It's our acceptance of other cultures and societies that once made us great. The ideas of individual liberty and equality brought us together. We rejected the aristocracy of Great Britain to form our own society, and sadly enough we have replaced one aristocracy for another...This country's golden years are behind us if we continue to seek wealth over unity. Because you know what, we can't all be rich, it's not logical, but we can all be equal and that is much stronger.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    It's multiculturalism, and only multiculturalism, that allows people of all colors and ethnicities to aspire to live on that hill. Deny non-white people the same opportunity, and you'll have them wanting to 'get that bastard.' So if you really want us to be uniquely American--to support those aspirations--you should be celebrating multiculturalism, not acting like it's a cause of the problem.

    Nothing will make people resent those who are successful more than realizing that the same success will be denied to them merely because they are the wrong color or speak the wrong language.

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  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    There was a time when working hard could get you into that mansion. The only thing left to us now is to forget about it, or get that bastard.

    Ridiculously low wages, coupled with ridiculously high prices, is part of what's eating away at America's soul. And then there is the lack of even shitty paying jobs.

  • We don't want a handout, or a hand up, just a fair shake. Like it used to be before the Bush recession.

  • 6 years ago

    No but parroting the incoherent babble from talk radio and right wing blogs isn't doing us any favors.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    We renounce our troops by calling them "mindless killers" or "baby killer" (irony there). We renounced our Gods and reduce our national spirituality. We renounce our heroes of 9-11, the NYPD. We renounce capitalism by calling it "greed". And denounce the Republican and elevate the Democrat. We renounce a Republican President for "torture" based on our "loss of national morality" and applaud a Democrat one who "by-passes Congress". We renounce oil and embrace "clean energy" then we cheer when cheap oil brings prices of gas down to put in our gas-guzzling cars! We go from one "major news story" to another as fast as it can be pumped out to us: we went from Malaysian Air to "Save Our Girls" to ISIS to Ebola to Ferguson to waterboarding in the span of less than three months! "Uniquely American" meant we had a cognizant thought of our own in our heads... know we are simply manipulated political tools who dance to competing pipers! Everything is an "issue"; everything an "issue" is then exploited as a "political issue" until it becomes a "campaign political issue" for the benefit of the piper who wants elected.

  • 6 years ago

    Conservatives hate success.

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