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How do you mount an ISO file? (Windows 7).?

I used to use Daemon Tools Lite but these days I hear it's full of malware. Friends tell me they've had all kinds of trouble with it.

All the other program that do this cost $29.95 (like they all got together to fix prices!) Anyone know a good free program that does this these days?

4 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    📥 Virtual CloneDrive by Elaborate Bytes.

    I used that software too and uninstalled it for the same reason. If you are using Linux based OS like Ubuntu, Linux Mint Mate there are plenty of Options.

    I personally use Virtual CloneDrive by Elaborate Bytes.

    Its very lightweight tool ( Freeware )

  • John67
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    If you had Windows 8 you could right click it in file explorer and click mount. Windows 7 requires a third party utility to do this. You could try this one

  • You jump on it and say 'yeehaw!'

  • 6 years ago


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