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Questions on Italy in WW1 and WWll?

In WWl, Italy was with the Allies. But in WWll, Italy was in the Axis Power. Right? Why is that so? I ve heard that Italy was promised to be given a land but in the end Italy did not receive it. Can you tell me more about it? And was that the only reason Italy left the Allies ? - please correct me if i m wrong in any statement- Thank you in advance!

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    In WW1 Italy was with the Allies - correct.

    In WW2 it was more complicated. Italy came in late, on the side of Germany. But after about 2 years Italy split politically and much was at least passively, and some very actively, on the side of the Allies, with a core still loyal to Mussolini and thus loyal to the Axis. Mussolini was killed by the "Partisans", along with his mistress, and after that there was very little sympathy for the idea of staying with the Axis.

    At the end of WW1 Italy was indeed given quite a lot of land - Southern Tirol (part of Austria), and the Istrian peninsula (now Slovenia, but part of Yugoslavia after WW2 - it gets more and more complicated!). So Italy had its biggest land area between WW1 and WW2.

    All European countries have changed their boundaries many times over the centuries, and a map of Europe of 1913 is almost unrecognizable in where the boundaries are.

    For that matter, the USA boundaries were only settled in the 1860s.

    15 new countries were formed in Europe or on its edges in the early 1990s - yes - really!

  • erik
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Italy had apparently been promised bigger territorial gains by the allies in WW 1 as what they got in the end...Italy had hoped for the entire Adriatic coast in Croatia extending to Albania and also parts of turkey and they received only Trieste,istria and zara.

    So Mussolini,who was a big fan of the allies in WW1 as a socialist agitator, switched to an alliance with Germany after having reached power.

    The fact that GB and France put sanctions on Italy in a quite hypocritical way because of the Ethiopian war also pushed Mussolini to the german side.

  • 6 years ago

    allied promised a lot to make italy join the entente... but USA forced the allies to broke the promises to italy... so a little of bitterness begin to run between italy and the allied...

    anyway only ain 1936 the alliance were broken... in 1935 italy menaced war to germany durin the first anschluss attempt... the cause... the invasion of abyssinia... the allied posed sanctions over italy... and italy made new "friends"

  • 6 years ago

    Probably because before the war started it was a Dictatorship like Germany

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  • Tim D
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    AntiComIntern Pact.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Oh for fcuk's sake, child, read a book. You are just terminally confused.

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