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Why couldn't my partner get it up?

I've never had this problem before EVER. We were both high off weed and he was begging to get intimate, but after about 20 mins of foreplay he couldn't get it up. I was so sad does this mean he doesn't like me anymore ? be honest.. so I can find someone else I don't want to be someones charity. He claimes that it was because he was high, but from my experience weed intensifies pleasure. What do you think?

3 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    it was because he was high. i know when im high i cant get off. i get really horny but no matter what i just cant get off. im a girl but i know that it is the same way for guys

  • 6 years ago

    It was because he was high.

    It also happened to my when 2 time because i was nervous.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    He was high so that's why, same thing happens to me once

    Help please?


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