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Hi, how are you? I am a overly obsessed Beatles fan just trying to make it in this tough crazy world. :) And I also fancy other music as well as movies.

  • What does it mean when you don't care about yourself?

    As long as I am not in any physical pain I usually don't care about myself. I see people around me putting so much effort into bettering themselves with their looks and education etc. I honestly don't see the point. What's the point of living.

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • Is this a good example of client centered therapy?

    I need a video for my power point presentation. I talk about several types of therapy psychoanalysis, psychodynamic, and client centered therapy. Would this video be good for client centered therapy?

    Donnie Darko descent scene - YouTube

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • I'm feeling bad about going to college at 21.?

    I had some issues after high school. I am barely starting college now. I feel old. I want to make a descent living do you think college is worth it?

    11 AnswersHigher Education (University +)6 years ago
  • What's your take on learning how to drive?

    I've always avoided it, but I'm tired of asking for rides. Although I'm highly motivated, driving looks super hard and almost impossible. I practiced a for about 20 minutes and I feel like I had to put 100% of my focus on it. Is it normal to be intimidated and a little panicky?

    7 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation6 years ago
  • Fun computer games?

    I need something fun to keep me busy. Something scary? Or anything really fun idc. Like a actually game you buy on a disc.

    51 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • Why does my bf like to put his finger in my bum.?

    It's a gross place and he likes to smell his fingers after. Is he messing around or does he really like it.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Ways to get revenge on a guy?

    He sent an exposed photo of me to another guy. Yes, I know I made a huge mistake by trusting my bf of 2 years with a personal photo of me and I'll never trust anyone again. I can't let him get away with this. I was thinking of giving him a paper cut on the head of his *****. What would you suggest

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Why couldn't my partner get it up?

    I've never had this problem before EVER. We were both high off weed and he was begging to get intimate, but after about 20 mins of foreplay he couldn't get it up. I was so sad does this mean he doesn't like me anymore ? be honest.. so I can find someone else I don't want to be someones charity. He claimes that it was because he was high, but from my experience weed intensifies pleasure. What do you think?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • T.V. shows where women are degraded?

    I'm trying to find a show to compare and contrast with buffy the vampire slayer. Like a show with a male protagonist where females are protrayed as weak etc.

    8 AnswersGender Studies6 years ago
  • Do you think I might have ebola(please help this is not a joke)?

    I have a mild sore throat and headache. I have somewhat weak muscles. I woke up today feeling these symptoms. I don't have any flu like symptoms, but I read that happens after a few days. I only leave my house for like 5 hours a day to go to school.

    I live in southern California.. I take the public bus to school.. That's all the traveling I do.. What should I do? I'm panicking..

    4 AnswersInfectious Diseases7 years ago
  • Careers for someone with social anxiety?

    Hi, I'm 20 years old and I'm in college at the moment. I'm willing to work and study but, it's hard for me to work around certain people. I was thinking either a laboratory technician or a mortician would be a good career... But I'm not sure at the moment. I've never worked other than volunteering at an animal hospital. I can't imagine myself working with ppl without making a fool out of my self or studering. And NO I don't want to work at an animal hosptal.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Dog bite in the face what to do?

    My friend got bit four times. There are four small bites on his face. They don't look like they require stitches and he cleaned up with peroxide. Is their anything else I should be worried about? My dog got all his shots, but he has the gum disease gingivitis. My dog is a weenier dog mix and is 17 lbs.

    4 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Is is weird that a part of me is afraid to lose weight?

    Since I hit puberty at the age of 12 I've had a weight problem and struggled with an eating disorder. Now at the age of 20 I've come to the realization that starving is bearable. But apart of me is afraid to lose weight. I'm 5 6 and 108 lbs I have no muscle and a gut.. I want to get to 99lbs but my family will be mad. I don't think for any health reason but because they are subconsciously jealous.. Because they have weight issues. I don't wanna feel guilt for wanting to achieve the one thing in life I've wanted for so long.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • How long will it take to recover after a vaccum abortion?

    I'm 20 years old I have abortion scheduled at 845am today. How long will it take for me to recover... Because i have only told the person who is taking me to the clinic. I live with my mom and the last thing I would want to tell her is what I've done. What should I expect? I gotta be home the same day.

    2 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • How much weight will I gain in the first 5 to 6 weeks of being pregnant?

    I'm 20 yr old 5 '6 120lbs. I'm panicking I don't want a kid. I'm going to try to go to a clinic in a few days.. I just got

    Out of an eating disorder I don't wanna get ****** fat. How much weight do ppl usually gain at this point?

    5 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • what's worse stimulant laxative or magnesium saline laxative?

    I've been a laxative junkie for 2 years I'm slowly stopping. Is magnesium saline laxative a better alternative for now.. I would buy fiber supplements, but they are expensive.

    1 AnswerMedicine7 years ago
  • National guard pay and benefits?

    And what are some of the reasons some people may regret enlisting, I wanna get strong and have school taken care of.

    2 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • I'm constipated should I try to use an enema?

    I've been a laxative junkie for 2 years... My colon become addicted to them so it doesn't work as well as it used to. but I stopped taking them. and I take a bottle of magnesium citrate solution once a month or I'll take fiber supplements. But it doesn't feel like it's enough and I feel super uncomfortable a lot.. I don't feel like I go enough. Should I try using an enema? I never used one and I'm scared.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • What does it mean when a guy has a close relationship with his sister?

    This guy I've been dating for a year and has a sister a couple years younger than him. He takes her out to dinner, buys her clothes, phones.. and always watches out for her.. talks about her etc. He says he practically raised her.. both of their parents are in their lives by the way.. I understand that he loves his sister and it's the right thing to watch/care for his sister, but they never fight like siblings would.. And idk I always see other siblings fight.. And he treats her like a girlfriend. Is there a possibility that he subconsciously likes her as more than a friend. I mean I've seen blogs on tumblr about fathers being attracted to their daughters and having fantasies of having sex with them etc.. I definitely feel threatened by their relationship, but I do not make it apparent ... Despite the fact that it makes me uncomfortable. I know there is nothing I can do about this situation, but I just wanna know what it means.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago