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What's your take on learning how to drive?

I've always avoided it, but I'm tired of asking for rides. Although I'm highly motivated, driving looks super hard and almost impossible. I practiced a for about 20 minutes and I feel like I had to put 100% of my focus on it. Is it normal to be intimidated and a little panicky?

7 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    well yes, I mean if you make just a little mistake in the wrong place, here comes a 40 footer and and before you know it you are as flat as a pankake and here comes ANOTHER 40 footer just in case there was a little bit not as flat as it can be

    or you could mess up a bit of that 100% and eeps you drive into half a dozen nuns blood and bowels everywhere, what about you look left there a dot coming up you look right road's clear you pull out into the road BUT THE DOT was a biker doing 170mph and he's now imbedded into the side of your car ooops but but where did he come out from?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    You SHOULD put 100% of your focus into driving every time you get behind the wheel. That is the correct way to drive.

    Driving is a big, important step for anyone. You become truly independent when you can go wherever you want at any time.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    " Is it normal to be intimidated and a little panicky?"

    Sure, for at least the first 20 mins. Go and find some quiet wide open space and just practice the basics. Steering, gears, stopping and starting etc, without the hassles of lanes, traffic, road signs etc. Once you have those things sorted and can do them by instinct, then you work up to traffic, highway speeds etc.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    That is normal for anything you are learning to do, not just driving. Just be patient with it, nobody learns to drive in 20 minutes.

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  • James
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    at first yeah you are hurling down a road at 40mph or so in a 3K lb chunk of metal.. it takes time and practice to get adjusted to driving. I have been driving for nearly 17 yrs and still get a bit uneasy driving a different car than im used to..

  • 6 years ago

    I loved it it's relaxing

  • 6 years ago

    At first perhaps. But after a while, you get over it.

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