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Is is weird that a part of me is afraid to lose weight?

Since I hit puberty at the age of 12 I've had a weight problem and struggled with an eating disorder. Now at the age of 20 I've come to the realization that starving is bearable. But apart of me is afraid to lose weight. I'm 5 6 and 108 lbs I have no muscle and a gut.. I want to get to 99lbs but my family will be mad. I don't think for any health reason but because they are subconsciously jealous.. Because they have weight issues. I don't wanna feel guilt for wanting to achieve the one thing in life I've wanted for so long.

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just seeing your initial question my answer ws that change is always scary and so being afraid is perfectly natural.

    Now that I've read the rest of the question I wonder if you're afraid because you know that starving is not healthy and is not a safe way to lose weight. On top of which at 5' 6" and 108 lbs you do NOT need to lose weight. You are already under weight to be a healthy person. Dropping to 99 lbs should be scary because you could actually damage your organs by being that underweight.

    I get that your family is worried, I don't even know you and I'm worried for you. Most people with eating disorders do not have clear views of how big they are. Most think that they are fat even when they look like a skeleton. You need to get into counseling and try to get a healthy view of yourself.

    Please, please get help and don't lose anymore weight. This is not a joke! It truly can risk your life.

  • 5 years ago

    replace a wrap with two low carb whole wheat slices of bread

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