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I'm feeling bad about going to college at 21.?

I had some issues after high school. I am barely starting college now. I feel old. I want to make a descent living do you think college is worth it?

11 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    College is worth it only if you're actually going to use that degree to get a decent job. Plenty of people get degrees and then can't use it and will have wasted all that time and money (and debt) for nothing. If you don't know for sure what you want to do yet, you're better off going into the job field and finding the area you like, then using schooling to help you move up the ladder. As an added bonus, it's easier to get a job with your degree if you're already working in the company you want to be at.

    As far as your age, you're still plenty young for college. Traditional college age is 18-24. You're right in the middle, so you should fit in just fine. When I went to college, I had several classmates who were already in their 30's with kids and probably a few jobs in the field, as well. I think the oldest student in our department was around 60 or 70 years old. All things considered, a three year age difference (18 to 21) among adults is practically nothing. You don't need to worry about it.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Don't feel bad about starting college at 21. College isn't just about at what age you start. Many of our elders couldn't get a college degree like we can now and guess what there's elders who are in their 50's going to college for the first time because when they were younger they either weren't qualified for it or couldn't afford it.

    Also, some of your classmates might be in their 30's too. People start college at different ages.

    Especially if you go to a community college like I do and I'm almost 20. I'm not worried about going to a University when I turn 21. I'll be in my Junior year by then.

    I started school when I was 18. I was thinking about taking a gap year off at first because school wasn't really my thing and getting my grades up was hard. I'm an average student so, it was a struggle for me unlike most of my friends where they didn't have to study and made straight A's if I did study I would either make a C or whatever grade I had.

    So, don't worry you'll probably find plenty of people your age when you start college. Mostly they're probably a Sophomore now since, they started before you did. But you'll still find people who're 21 and are a Freshmen because they were probably going through the same thing you did.

    Don't worry so much about your age. You'll find friends. It's worth it, if my mom didn't go to college when she went into the Military our life would've been harder. My cousin who's in his mid-30's wishes he would've gone to college because he's somewhat struggle and his sister went to college and has a good life with a good job. I would say do it and try to apply for scholarships at the beginning or end of every semester.

    Source(s): Me. Sophomore this year in CC. You'll be fine!
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    On average, people with a college degree make a million dollars more in their lifetime. So, college is definitely worth it.

    Since you're now 21, starting out at a CC (community college) would be the best choice. Not to mention, it's cheaper than going directly to a 4-year university.

    The average age at a community college is 29, so not only will you meet students your age, but also, older.

    You're never too old to get an education for yourself. An African American woman was in the news recently, and she earned a college degree at the age of 99. That's because one never stops learning until they die. Life is about lessons and learning from them.

    Best of luck on your future endeavors!

  • 6 years ago

    No, I dont think you're old at all! I started when I was 20 and there were a lot of people that were even older than me! You should do whats best for you of course, but dont let your age hold you back if its something that you want to do, you're going to look back and regret it when youre older! College really is an opportunity to experience an intellectual awakening and you'll make great memories as well!

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    If it's any help, I didn't go to University till I was 25 (the fact that you're going to college rather than University is irrelevant), but I still managed to earn a First Class Honours and then later a Ph.D. - go for it. Even if it doesn't mean you finish up with a fantastic salary, it is still worth it for the sheer satisfaction of achieving something worthwhile.

  • 6 years ago

    I was not a fan of college at all. I went for one semester and all that did was put me in 6,000 in debt. I'm now getting interviews for jobs paying 14$ an hour with a company vehicle and gas paid for. All I'm advising is that if your going to start, you better have a plan to finish, finish early as possible, get as much free money as you can ( fafsa, scholarships, etc) and have a plan when you are graduated.

    Source(s): College isn't cheap!
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Age doesn't matter. You're going to college to get yourself in a better position, not to look good to everyone else. Besides, people of all ages can go to college.

  • 6 years ago

    Yes but make sure to go to an affordable college. Maybe a community college or other cheap colleges, I found this college in New Mexico called Highlands University which charges 5000 dollars a year in tuition. For what it costs for one year of college you could get an entire degree at a community college or a universities like Highlands.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    There is no set age for going to college, there are many mature students at college. Don't worry.

  • 6 years ago

    college isnt for everyone and thats okay. you shouldnt feel ashamed about starting late either. Do what you feel is best for you.

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