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Fun computer games?

I need something fun to keep me busy. Something scary? Or anything really fun idc. Like a actually game you buy on a disc.

52 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    Fallout 3. Fallout New Vegas is good, but I see it more of a Fallout 3.5. League of Legends will give you thousands of hours. Enough said. Sonic is fun. World of Goo is easily another 100+ hours if you stick to playing it throughout. Replay value will give you tons of hours. Kerbal Space Program is a very difficult game. Requires engineering and technical skills require to actually go into orbit. It's something that would require skill and knowledge. You won't have fun with it until you've learned a lot about how the game works. Diablo 1 or 2. 3 if you want, my favourite is number 2.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Dead Space

    Diablo 3

    World of Goo




    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (1 and/or 2)

    Mass Effect 1-3

    Kerbal Space Program

    Alan Wake (but I'm not sure if this is on computer)

  • 6 years ago

    I would recommend H1Z1 as it's my favorite PC game right now. If your computer isn't that good then I would recommend Minecraft since it's not intense on the graphics. Minecraft was my first PC game and it was the only thing I played at the time. I spent hours upon hours on it. I went through a phase where it was like my favorite thing in the world. There is just much you can do on it other than the typical survival gamemode (which already in itself has a lot you can do).

  • 6 years ago

    For PC, Starcraft 2 takes a bit of time investment to learn, but can be really fun with a few friends and some creativity, especially given the wide range of user-create content available. Fallout 3 and New Vegas are both very good, especially since you can add an endless variety of mods that suite your interests.

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  • 6 years ago

    Dragon age is a great franchise available on many consoles as well as the PC and Mac. It isn't scary but it has an AMAZING storyline and I can play it over and over again and never get tired of it. There are currently three dragon age games out now, there is a possibility there will be a fourth. The third game is a free roam game (not something I like, but it is pretty popular so you may like it)

  • 6 years ago


    H1Z1 (Really fun, but costs a bit, same for Sims)


    There's this free MMO if you're into that sort of thing it's called Neverwinter pretty scary i guess

    based off of dungeons and dragons

    it's not really a game but there is parts where you play and it's really funny

    it's called Homestuck

    uhhhh there's also Minecraft if u like building

    You didn't really specify what genre of games

    Source(s): Top of my mind
  • 6 years ago

    1. Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance

    2. Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos series

    3. Dark Forces II

    4. Prototype 1 and 2

    5. Fallout Series

  • 6 years ago

    Red Crucible 2

  • 6 years ago

    My favorite computer game right know has been diablo 3 reaper of souls. No I m not a fat little nerd that eats Cheetos and watches hentai. So yes i do recommend this game.

    Source(s): My Big Horse Cock
  • 6 years ago

    Like music?

    - Guitar hero (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, and the other versions like rock band)


    - Assassin creeds

    - Skyrim

    - Everquest 2 (Not to buy but I found it fun and good to look at)

    Learn an instrument? (In real life)

    Read something?

    Write something?


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