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How long will it take to recover after a vaccum abortion?

I'm 20 years old I have abortion scheduled at 845am today. How long will it take for me to recover... Because i have only told the person who is taking me to the clinic. I live with my mom and the last thing I would want to tell her is what I've done. What should I expect? I gotta be home the same day.

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    By the time you go home from the clinic you'll feel fine. The whole thing is a minor procedure and you'll be back to normal in a couple of hours. The clinic will keep you there for that amount of time, just to make sure you're fully recovered, and then you go home. You won't look or feel any different from normal. There will be some minor bleeding - just like a regular period or even less than that. If you feel a bit tired, just tell your mother that you might be getting a cold, take some paracetamol and get some rest.

  • 7 years ago

    Ask your doctor.

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