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Can you recommend an Android GPS App for Israel?

Was chagrinned to find that my Tom Tom would not sell me maps for Israel - so going Android route.

I realize that Waze is supposed to be the be-all-end-all app -- but I'm not interested in paying through the nose for data charges.

Thus -

Looking for an offline GPS for my Android.

Ideally one that is smart enough not to drive through Hamas-land.


2 Answers

  • Shay p
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    kaganate..... let me put it this way..... the basic problem with any version of an English GPS in Israel is that the English spelling of the Hebrew names differ and more often then not doesn't make sense at all. For example, you might encounter different spelling of a town's name on the same road. The poor English GPS is unable to figure it out. I suggest you buy the English version of MAPA road map and you will do just fine. You can find it in any book store.

    Just as an example, the letter "K" rarely appears. Petach Tikva is spelled on the road sign "Petah Tiqwa". or Kfar Daniel. The road sign spelles it "Daniyyel"... Herzelia is "Hezeliyya" Carmiel is "Karmiel" you wouldn't know that King Solomon and Shlomo Hamelech are the same street, and that Caesarea and Kesarya are one and the same,

    Enjoy your stay.

  • 6 years ago

    Offline is iGo which is about $80.

    Other than Waze you have M8, Atlas, and Google Maps.

    You can't go into Gaza by accident.

    Waze, M8 and iGo are local apps that know where not to go.

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