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TACOMcCail asked in SportsWrestling · 6 years ago

Do you understand the real problem with last night's Royal Rumble match?


I keep hearing that fans should stop complaining about Reigns winning, but Reigns winning wasn't the problem. The problem was Bryan being eliminated early, and everyone knowing that Reigns was going to win, from that moment forward.

Think back to 2005. If John Cena had been eliminated midway through the match, and Batista had won by last eliminating a few guys who had NO chance of winning, it would have been lame. The suspense of the final 4, and final 2, is part of what makes a rumble great

Update 2:

1994 - Bret and Luger

1995 - HBK and Bulldog

1996 - HBK and Diesel

1997 - Stone Cold and Bret

1998 - Stone Cold and The Rock

1999 - Vince McMahon and Stone Cold

2000 - The Rock and Big Show

2001 - Stone Cold and Kane

2002 - HHH and Angle

2003 - Lesnar and Undertaker

2004 - Benoit and Big Show

2005 - Batista and Cena

2006 - Mysterio and Orton

2007 - Undertaker and HBK

2008 - Cena and HHH

2009 - Orton and HHH

2010 - Edge and Cena

2011 - Del Rio and Orton (Santino was a joke)

Update 3:

2012 - Sheamus and Jericho

2013 - Cena and Ryback

2014 - Batista and Reigns

2015 - Reigns and Kane/Bigshow...oh wait I mean Rusev...but hey The Rock is here people. Isn't that great?

In every year prior, the final two were plausible winners. People hated last year, but at least they had Reigns to root for until the final moment. This rumble broke the tradition and it paid the price. It's not about Reigns winning, it's about them breaking this time-honored tradition, and it failing.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree. To me, it's not that Roman Reigns won the match, but Daniel Bryan was eliminated halfway through the match. Not only was he eliminated, but he looked weak when he was eliminated. I like both Reigns and Bryan, but I believe it should've been Bryan and Reigns being the last remaining two in the Royal Rumble match. I was even surprised the way they eliminated others like Ziggler, Wyatt, and Ambrose.

  • Wrestlers who a lot of Fans like were eliminated and Fans were left with Wrestlers that they don't like. WWE thinks they know what's good for Fans than Fans do.

  • 6 years ago

    The real problem is IWC… People listen to them, last year IWC wanted Reigns to win and afterwards complaint about it and people agreed to them and this year they wanted Bryan to win and people again agreed to them… People used to like Reigns when IWC liked him and now when IWC hate him they hate him

    The biggest victim of IWC attack is John Cena…same happened with him few years ago.

    Some other victim are Batista, Ryback, Orton, Sheamus, Henry, Big Show…

    Its like IWC controls the brains of fans

    As a fan, the rumble match was not that bad, we saw rise of Bray Wyatt, Rusev. Resistance of Dean Ambrose and Dominance of Kane and Big Show , bright future of Reigns and the return of DDP, Bubba Dudley, Boogeyman and Zack Ryder.

    Source(s): Don't believe in IWC
  • 6 years ago

    That is not the issue at all. People would be crying just as much the final elimination of the match was Reigns eliminating Bryan.

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  • 6 years ago

    Yes, too many non-athletic wrestling fans are complaining about a muscleman winning over 29 other musclemen in a special matchup where the outcome has been predetermined weeks ago.

    It's like in TV series, you would be complaining about the man kissing the filthy b**** instead of the lovely angel.

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