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If god is real then why don't we just know it when we are born!!!?


Why does it constantly need to be inculcated into out minds instead of just waking up and knowing it with out all the inculcation of repeated man made up stories til believed to be true

Update 2:

It is not like they are allowing me to ask any questions just repeating the same old stories over and over til i have no choice but to believe them or go nuts!!!

19 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    How do you know that you don't? Possibly your real question is, why don't we see God now? Why can't we see God? and Why does He hide from us? We are like Adam and Eve in the Garden after they sinned. God wasn't hiding from them, they felt guilty and hid from God, even then God looked for them just as He looks for us now. When we sin we have psychological defenses to deny our sin even to our self. This causes us to not see God so clearly. Do enough sin, have enough denial, and then you can't see God at all.

    The other reason we can't see God is that when we visually see things, say a tree; it looks like the tree is outside of us. This is true but the picture of the tree we see is not outside of us it is in our mind. The mind has the ability to take the raw data from our sense organs such as the retina in our eyes, analyze it, create a picture, and then project it so that it seems to be outside of us.

    That doesn't pose a big problem but something else does. The subconssis mind also projects the world view that we have been acculturated into and so we only see what we have been taught to see. At this time in history we have been taught the world view that there is only matter and energy in the Universe and that we Humans evolved by accident from apes. Neither of those 2 things are true but because we project that world view, then we can't see God even though as the Apostle Paul says, "God is closer than you think. For in Him we live and move and have our being">

    Source(s): The Holy Bible. Personal experience.
  • 6 years ago

    When we're born, we have blank minds and don't know anything. We don't even sense our own existence, let alone God's.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    WE do, almost UNIVERSALLY !!!!!!!


    Developmental psychologists have provided evidence that children are naturally tuned to believe in gods of one sort or another.

    • Children tend to see natural objects as designed or purposeful in ways that go beyond what their parents teach, as Deborah Kelemen has demonstrated. Rivers exist so that we can go fishing on them, and birds are here to look pretty.

    • Children doubt that impersonal processes can create order or purpose. Studies with children show that they expect that someone not something is behind natural order. No wonder that Margaret Evans found that children younger than 10 favoured creationist accounts of the origins of animals over evolutionary accounts even when their parents and teachers endorsed evolution. Authorities' testimony didn't carry enough weight to over-ride a natural tendency.

    • Children know humans are not behind the order so the idea of a creating god (or gods) makes sense to them. Children just need adults to specify which one.

    • Experimental evidence, including cross-cultural studies, suggests that three-year-olds attribute super, god-like qualities to lots of different beings. Super-power, super-knowledge and super-perception seem to be default assumptions. Children then have to learn that mother is fallible, and dad is not all powerful, and that people will die. So children may be particularly receptive to the idea of a super creator-god. It fits their predilections.

    • Recent research by Paul Bloom, Jesse Bering, and Emma Cohen suggests that children may also be predisposed to believe in a soul that persists beyond death.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    All men are born with a nose and ten fingers, but no one was born with knowledge of God. - Voltaire

    Mankind of one sort or another is over 2 MILLION years old, modern man 200,000 years old, Christianity just 2,000 years old with Islam an even younger 1,400 years old!

    If it was not for man god would not have been invented!

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  • 6 years ago

    romans 1:20 '' for his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world creation onward''.even at a young age god presence thru creation is noticed jw. org has more information on this topic

  • 6 years ago

    Not everyone takes the time to logically think it out. But, we are without excuse. We have creation as rock solid evidence of a creator.

    This whole "everone is born an atheist" is projection and wishful thinking on the part of those supressing the truth in unrighteousness.

    Source(s): Bible "Mere Christianity" by: C.S. Lewis
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Here is what I have learned from both sides of the fence. The universe is about 14.5 billion years old. While God did create it, he also used science to seed life here and watch it develop. He provided some spiritual direction in as much as he inspired some holy men to write things down that we now call a Bible. Sadly many have corrupted the Bible which has led to Atheism. Also religion and its leaders have led many away from their spiritual side instead of seeing the bigger picture. The flood was only in the area of Mesopotamia where man resided. There is a God and he truly is a God of love. He has lovingly given us free will so we may learn, develop and grow as a species. Everyone wants to blame him when they suffer problems from their own bad decisions. They forget to thank him for all he has done when things go right. He is so very forgiving and really wants the best for all of us. But if he rescues us from our problems we will not learn to solve them on our own. He will help you if you ask him for help but because so many do not believe him they do not see it when he helps them. He wants all the souls to return to him, the source of our life. The only way to do that is by showing unconditional love to one another.

  • Bryce
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    You have asked a very good question. It actually shows that these made-up gods are obviously fake. It is interesting to read the pitiful answers from the believers.

  • 6 years ago

    We are born in sin and false assumption. Much of our lives are spent unlearning things we assumed to be true but were not in our childhood.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    because we don't know anything when we are born except "I just crapped" and "I'm hungry"

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