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? asked in Entertainment & MusicCelebrities · 6 years ago

Who is better as Christian Grey? Jamie Dornan or Matt Bomer?

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Now that is a good question, I always fancied Matt Bomer for the part of Christian Grey, but if the internet is to be believed he is supposed to have turned the part down. Friends who have seen the film say that Jamie Dornan is very good as Christian and they also had other ideas on who should play the part. It is when I see photos of Matt Bomer in a suit on his mobile I always think 'that is Christian Grey'. As Jamie has the part in the film I shall vote for Jamie.

  • 6 years ago

    Jamie Dornan!

  • 6 years ago

    I actually think Jaime Dornan did a good job for this movie.

  • 6 years ago

    Jamie. It's difficult to imagine anyone else.

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  • Ariel
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Imagine if Christian Grey was Ian Somerhalder and the girl was his real life gf Nikki Reed!

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