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What placement do you hate the most in your chart? and what sign do you want it to be?

What i hate the most in my chart.. is my moon in Capricorn., I fu¢king hate it.. coz it sucks! It do really suck. How I wish i had Leo or Libra moon.

How about you?

24 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    I have a Leo moon, wouldn't change that! Though, I noticed that people with a Capricorn moon are grounded and balanced. I think Brad Pitt has it. :p

    I have way too many Gemini placements. Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars & Rising. I can be deep when my personality switches--deeper than I should be. I have no idea where it comes from since I lack a large percentage of water and earth. I heard Jupiter in Capricorn sucked. Can't help it, it's my generation. Awkward beings, I tell you.

    I do wish my rising sign was a fire sign. I tend to give off a nervous energy and I think an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius placement would have given me confidence. Though, I do thank Gemini for making me appear younger than I actually am.

    Something in my chart makes me timid sometimes. I would change that. Must be an aspect, but I already read the description it provides.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I'm sorry you wish you had a leo moon. I have a leo moon, it isn't as great. U have to fight your heart between your mind. You're easy to get heart broken, lead on. :)

    I would probably say my venus in capricorn, my mars. I think I come off a little cold, picky. Under it all is a far amount of insecurity, grudge. I also hate my mars in scorpio. I don't like being sensual, loyal and then being called a hoe because I've fallen 2 hard for a guy, that he's not even serious about love.

  • 6 years ago

    You hate your Moon and your Moon hates you back.So here's why with ANY placement..

    The configurations of planetary energy at the time of birth is what you need to grow and evolve in this lifetime. It is not an error when everything in Creation thus far is the extension of what came before it. So while all that came before you extended it's energy to you , your path is to carry it forward (even as it challenges you)and thrive because of it.

    Hate your energy all you want but it will only return the favor and you will delay your progress.

    Source(s): SN conj Cancer Sun NN conj Cap Moon
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Saturn in the first house. Fire void. 6th and 7th house populated.

    I wish I didn't have saturn there. I wish it was exalted and making no aspects to any planets and was in an insignificant house.

    I wish I had sun in a fire sign, and some more planets in fire would have helped me be more self expressive and confident.

    I wish I had less planets near the descendant and more planets near the ascendant, so that it was more sure of myself and not so dependant on others.

    Btw, I have moon in libra and it's so so. Moon in libra people have good manners, and are charming and in order to get what they want they persuade others, they are not very direct but very tactful. They make others do their dirty work sometimes. You can fall for their words easily. They are sociable and likeable, and they always need the company of someone with them.

    They want to feel useful and love impressing others. They like showing off their talents to others too sometimes lol. They are dependant on other people's opinion and reaction towards them, and it also affects their emotions a lot.

    That's why they care a lot about their appearance and want to be presented properly.

    They make good hosts. They are wise.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I also have Pluto in the 1st house, and I feel it's effect on my very strongly. I can be quite obsessive and extreme when it comes to the things I value, and when I want something, I won't allow anything to get in my way. I'm also a bit power hungry, and enjoy being in control. I determine my destiny, and nobody else can tell me what to do. I also feel my Mars conjunct my Sun, Ascendant, and Mercury. I am filled with energy, and a strong assertive will. I am very competitive, both in action, and in speech, with Mercury involved. I can be a bit of a know-it-all at times, and I am quick to argue. I am very physically active, and I have trouble sitting still for too long. I often find myself coming on too strong for those around me, especially souls that are more shy. I also feel my Cancer Moon very strongly. I am very sensitive to people around me...I can sense superficiality a mile away, and I hate to have people play around with my feelings. I often test people, and play emotional mind games to see if people are loyal to me....I begin to expect things, and can burst out into a fit of rage and tears when my expectations are not met...Of course, this is me at my worst. I am also very nurturing and sentimental, and loyal as well. When I give my heart to someone, it is there forever. I cling onto those I hold dear, and I always stand up for what I care about. Libra Sun, Cancer Moon, Libra Rising

  • BB_
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Im a Libra Moon and my close friend is a Capricorn moon, just like you.

    Like others are saying, a Libra moon is not at all what it's cracked up to be! Capricorn moons are good at detecting bullshit and that's an awesome trait! Embrace it!

    However, everyone has something they'd like to trade. For instance I have a Cancer Venus and I used to abhor it! if it were in Leo it would have been tremendously better... but i've recently learned to accept it

  • .
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    My moon in Pisces. Ugh...I'm so emotional and sensitive, WAY more than an air sign should be. I'm a Gemini Sun with a Sagittarius Rising, and have Gemini and more Fire all over my chart, but my little moon makes me a crying, weeping mess!

  • 6 years ago

    I don't like my 12th house Gemini moon. I don't mind having a Gemini moon but by it being in the 12th house I feel most comfortable being alone and people just don't understand that. So I often find myself alienated from others, even my own family. If I could, I wouldn't change my moon sign, I'd just change the house it's in, so I'd have my Gemini moon be in my 10th house.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Idk...i really like my chart. Aqua Sun, Cancer Moon, Pisces Mercury, Capricorn Venus, Aries Mars and Libra Rising. I will say i am not really fond of my Cancer Midheaven though...i don t really want a nurturing career 😂 i could care less about that tbh. I wish it could be like a Cap or Aries Moon...i want it to be ambitious...but thats what i get for having Libra Rising and all signs in their opposite houses...

  • Liz
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    My moon in Pisces. I would say that I'm a very rational person having Saturn conjunct Moon but I do have my burst of emotions which tend to be intense and scary, and this scares people I care about away.

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