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Kendall asked in PetsHorses · 6 years ago

The best way to deal with dramatic barn girls?

Sometimes it's frustrating. I'm in a situation where I interact with dramatic people everyday and sometimes I hear unneeded information whether it regards me or not. I've had a problem with one girl especially who acts like she likes me, but everytime I post something on fb about my horse it's critical or suspicious. Like the other day i posted a jumping picture and she replies "when was this?"

Because we are not allowed to jump without the BO there. I've backlashes about my horse about trailering when it does not concern them whatsoever. I'm trying to keep my cool but some days I need to pull my hair out! AH! I actually recently moved barns trying to get a new start with my horse and life and the annoying girl and her lease horses owner follow me over. There's no avoiding unless I want to board at a sketchy place. SUGGESTIONS, TIPS, ANYTHIng!!

8 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    You won't b able to get a restraining order. And you really don't need to.

    Is it possible you're being a little bit paranoid? If you feel like someone is out to get you, well, did you actually do something wrong?

    Stop dealing with this person. Don't bother blocking them from social media, just ignore them on it.

    Act like they aren't even there.

    Though this might make them even nuttier in the beginning, eventually they will go find another target.

    Another thing, when they say something critical, just laugh it off. Don't worry, don't get involved, just giggle.

    There are jerks at any barn.

  • 6 years ago

    Ok well, from experience, you're going to be hard-pressed to get a restraining order. That suggestion is silly, honestly. You are being annoyed, not stalked or harassed in the legal sense.

    You are going to have busy-bodies and drama queens anywhere you go in life. Block these people from your social media and end any in-person interaction by simply replying with one-word answers and then excusing yourself and handling your business. You could even ask to have your horse's stall moved to another area of the barn if possible. More than likely your barn owner has already caught wind and knows what these gals are about. Anyone of us with any experience in a facility will tell you we all know one of "those" people. Unfortunately, sometimes we have to bite our tongues half off to be professional. Just block, avoid, and don't give them any material to work with. Oh! And earphones are a great way to avoid talking to people. Lol just pop em in, ignore the DQ gals and go about life.

    Source(s): Trainer owner breeder
  • 6 years ago

    LTAL is correct the first thing to do is restrict or block her from viewing your facebook page.

    If things do not calm down after that see about getting a restraining order. You need to DOCUMENT everything first though. Start a folder. If she/they have posted replies on FB save them and print them out. Include a printed copy of the barn rules at the former barn. If they are up on a sign, go back to that barn and photograph the sign and print that out. Document times and dates of conversations and wittnesses. Document the backlashes.

    Written documentation like this will help you get that restraining order if you need it.

  • 6 years ago

    I'm with Emura. Only I'd go one step further: stay off Facebook altogether. Share photos and anecdotes with the pelple who really care and matter -- your REAL friends and your family. At the barn, just smile and be polite.

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  • 6 years ago

    I wouldn't even let my own girls get involved in the rarified atmosphere of 'the barn' and we OWN a 'barn' If you want to learn to ride, do so. You sound like you have your own horse. You don't need those girls. They spend two thirds of their time trying to figure out what colors their horse should wear and "do I look alright on my pony?' or "should I sell him even though I love him with all my heart?' *rolling eyes* IGNORE THEM and do as you please.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    For the most part you should just ignore her if she's going to be petty, but you can also restrict her access to your page so she can only see public posts rather than completely having to block her, as I imagine that would also lead to an argument if you have to face her in the same yard.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    Seek a restraining order against this person. Where I live, I believe her actions could be construed as criminal harassment. As well you might contact your local SPCA or Humane Society and ask their advice. Please make sure you set your Facebook privacy and security settings properly and I would definitely block her from seeing your timeline or restrict her if you can't due to being in certain groups so she can't see your posts. I had a problem like this in the past with someone speaking out of turn or behind my back and I restricted her and it took care of the problem. Try that and please don't hesitate to protect yourself.

  • 6 years ago

    Unfriend her and ignore her at the barn. Only talk if it's necessary.

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