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Why is Tom Brady suspended?

And why is the Patriots organization being fined $1M. And Why is everybody going crazy about it?

He is a cheater and a *****, and i say this as a Patriots fan.

But, you guys have to know this isn't going to survive arbitration. The fact of the matter is that the penalty for purposely deflating game footballs is a maximum of $25,000 and no suspension for any party involved. And, obviously, that isn't enough to deter players from trying to cheat like that. But, the fact now becomes that the league is ignoring its own set rules on the matter, and the NFLPA will bring this up in arbitration

The penalty should be far harsher for sure, but the league is held to the rules that it creates. So, the final outcome here will be that the NFL as a governing body will just look foolish and weak. Am I wrong?


I kid you not. At the beginning of the whole scandal, ESPN repeatedly reported that even if some party within the Patriots organization is found guilty, that the league rules say that the penalty for such an infraction is only $25,000 maximum with no suspension to any guilty party. Now, nobody is questioning any guilt here because it seems pretty obvious. But, that is the rule as it is written, and Tom Brady's agent is not actually wrong.

Update 2:

Well, point me to a repeat offender then. Last time I checked, they got Bill Belichick in 2007 for cheating, and not Tom Brady. And, let's not kid ourselves here. Taping your opponents practice the day before you play them in the Super Bowl is cheating. But, Tom Brady is not a repeat offender here, and nobody in the Patriots organization has been implicated besides Brady and a couple of locker room attendants.

Update 3:

It isn't that the NFL has no case. It's really all about technicalities here. It's about the NFL not following its own rules. It's about the NFL saying that it is going to come down harshly on repeat offenders, and then not actually naming any repeat offenders and coming down harshly anyway. I hope that, for the sake of the leagues legitimacy as a governing body, that the owners move to remove Roger Goodell before he damages the integrity of the league further.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Brady is suspended and the organization is fined because, simply put, the team has to cheat in order to win games.

    And they're very bad at it, with this being the second time they've been busted since Belichick took over.

    Maybe they ought to play it on the level and avoid these embarrassing situations and huge fines.

    But that'll never happen because that's not how Belichick and his little dog, Brady, do things. Cheaters cheat, it's as simple as that.

  • 6 years ago

    Brady is suspended and the team is fined because they think that Tom knew that the ball wa a deflated and they're calling him a cheater cause that's the only way he can win but he's pleading not guilty and I believe him he's my fav player

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Brady tried to gain advantage in the game by deflating the balls, lied about it, tried to cover it up. He's dishonest as they come.

    And I don't know where you got this 25K figure but this is the first I've heard about it so I'd check your facts.

  • Steven
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    1. Repeated history of cheating to win games

    2. they can not play honest football

    3. they cheat their way through games

    4. its not going to survive arbitration

    5. maximum of $25k for deflating footballs

    6. Brady was expected to be suspended 6-8 games

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  • 6 years ago

    Yes, you are wrong. The penalty isn't a maximum of 25,000. You didn't read the rules correctly (or you just blindly assumed Brady's agent was correct when he incorrectly said the same thing

  • I guess you weren't paying attention to when Ray Rice socked his woman. He originally received a suspension for only two games by the league (the max amount). The league was embarrassed that the Ravens doled out the tougher punishment so the league changed the punishment and made it an indefinite suspension.

  • ny21tb
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I wouldn't count on His being saved, this time. according to the NFL, repeat offenders will be dealt a harsher blow.

  • 6 years ago

    who cares. i think the fans are making a bigger deal of this than anyone else. the players and owners care about one thing: money. at the end of the day they get paid no matter who "wins."

  • 6 years ago


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