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WiFi slow on my laptop this week?

I've got an old access point I've had for years. About 50ft away I've got an old laptop I've had for years. It's never been the best signal but it's worked. Since a week or two ago it's been really slow. I haven't changed anything - not moved the AP, not changed the OS, not started using more data or a new device. Wireshark shows unexpected retransmits, but I don't have data from before to compare with.

I might have got neighbours moved onto the same channel, but again I can't remember what it was like before.

Do wifi components deteriotate, or is it likely the neighbours ?

2 Answers

  • GTB
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Components do not decay. I suspect the neighbors are on the same channel you are on. Check the channels in use and select an idle one. Remember that in the 2.4 GHz band, you have only 3 non-overlapping channels which are 1, 6, and 11 with a 20 MHz bandwidth.

  • 6 years ago

    Try to reinstall the driver may help you to solve your problem.

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