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Do you believe in Hell?

I am a Christian, and I know and believe what the Bible says about Hell (and Heaven) but I am interested in doing a survey, so would be grateful if people on YA would answer the following questions (briefly, one word or a sentence or two for each):

1. How would you describe your religious belief? (eg Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Roman Catholic, Jehovah's Witness, Mormon, agnostic, atheist)

2. Do you believe in the existence of Hell? (If yes, please answer the following questions too):

3. What do you believe Hell is like?

4. What do you believe is the purpose of Hell?

5. Who do you think are going to Hell or have already gone there?

6. Do you think that YOU are going to Hell?

7. Whether yes or no, why do you think that?

Thank you for participating.

I do not intend to get into any discussion or arguments; as I said, I already know what I believe. This is purely an interesting survey as a follow up to a book I am currently reading.

16 Answers

  • Steph
    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. How would you describe your religious belief? Just a Christian, no denomination.

    2. Do you believe in the existence of Hell? (If yes, please answer the following questions too): Yes.

    3. What do you believe Hell is like? It's described as a burning, like being so thirsty but not being able to get a drop of water. It will be painful to be permanently separated from the presence of God, whether there are real flames or not.

    4. What do you believe is the purpose of Hell? Hell is for the devil and his angels, but also ultimately for humans as the punishment for sin, when they completely reject and refuse the gift of God, made possible by the sacrifice of Christ.

    5. Who do you think are going to Hell or have already gone there? People who are going to hell are those who reject Jesus as Lord and Savior. The dead are awaiting a resurrection, either to eternal life or judgment and eternal punishment.

    6. Do you think that YOU are going to Hell? No.

    7. Whether yes or no, why do you think that? Saved by grace, through faith, in Jesus Christ.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    1. Atheist

    2. Yes as a concept/frame of mind.. No as a place.

    3. A place where life is difficult. People can be in hell before they die.

    4. It's the opposite of heaven which also a concept/frame of mind. Heaven is not a place.

    5. People who suffer in their lives, for whatever reason, are in their own private hell.

    6. I've been in a bad place in my life. I'm not there anymore.

    7. Refer to earlier answers. Hell has nothing to do with what happens after you die.

  • ND
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    1. Hindu

    2. No. Hinduism has no concept of an eternal heaven or hell. We say heaven and hell are right here on this earth and what we experience depends on how we lead our lives.

    Questions 3-7 are therefore not applicable.

  • TeeM
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Jehovah's Witness

    Middle English, Old English hel (l); cognate with Old High German hell (i) a (German Hölle), Old Norse hel, Gothic halja; akin to Old English helan to cover, hide,

    "the abode of the dead; Sheol or Hades."

    hell is a good english word to describe 'the grave'.

    In the 1600s, people in England commonly spoke of planting or putting their potatoes “in hell” through the winter. They understood that hell was a dark, cold, quiet place that was a hole in the ground. This word held no mystery for them. Virtually all sources agree that sheol and hades are the same and that both refer to THE GRAVE. It was only with the passing of time that the pagan view of hell—as a blazing underground inferno—came to replace this original intent of the word.

    All who die go to 'hell' or the grave, even Jesus.

    After an appointed time Jehovah has promised all in the memorial tombs (graves) will receive a resurrection.

    Those who go to Gehenna or the lake of fire do not receive a resurrection. They are as the bible says they remain 'asleep in death'.

    Unfortunately the meaning of the word changed with time.

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  • Ralph
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    The fact of the matter Yes, hell is the grave of all the unsaved souls so when God Jesus Christ comes back to judge the living and the dead and too destroy the heaven and the earth by fire, the second death, where the heaven and the earth shall be burned up, by the hell fires.

    Source(s): King James Holy Bible
  • 6 years ago

    Christian, specifically Anglican, with a High Church leaning.

    And a degree in Theology.

    Hell is death. Everlasting life is with God. So, no life in Hell.

    Fire imagery is used, as fire is well known to be a cleanser, and destroyer. I believe (gained from my reading of Scripture) that at our physical death, we either move on, or, we don't. I hope to move on!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    1. I am a Christian and a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. I believe in Jesus, God’s one and only Son, who became human to suffer and die for the sins of all human beings and to rise again in the ultimate victory over sin, death, and the power of the devil. Therefore it is by GRACE ALONE and FAITH ALONE in Jesus that we are saved. And I believe in the Holy Spirit, who creates faith through God’s Word and Sacraments, and who empowers us to live as His people. These three persons of the Trinity are coequal and coeternal, meaning they are one true God.

    2. Yes.

    3. Eternal darkness and torture, an everlasting nightmare.

    4. Punishment for unforgiven sins.

    5. Anyone you dies without accept Jesus as their Savior.

    6. I know I'm not.

    7. Jesus died for me so that I won't.

  • hell is not yet open for business... hell has been prepared for the eternal confinement of satan, and those angels who followed him in rebellion against God... it is not intended for mortals... no humans will be sent there...

    I am... by decree of God... a part of The Body of The True Church He commissioned... I have God's assurance that my place in Heaven is secure

    Only those of The True Church will enter Heaven.... those mortals who fail to come to God in The Way He prescribes will be rejected by God and cast into the lake of fire and consumed... cease to exist... the true death

  • Nous
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    When the BAD Christians that post all the intolerance, hatred, bigotry, homophobia and persecution on here have gone to hell and the very rare GOOD Christians that believe in a loving god and act like it have gone to heaven - - - those of us left will be in paradise!

  • 6 years ago

    There is, or was, both a Hell, New Mexico and a Hell, Texas. Been to both and the names fit well.

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