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Are people just brain dead these days?


People come on and ask a question like"My car won't start" then give no details. We're supposed to guess what it's doing. They can't even mention the year,make,model,and engine. Then people ask for details and 90% of the time the poster never replies. Many of them just post the same stupid question again.And it's not just in the cars and transportation section. It leads me to believe we're raising a generation of idiots. Am I wrong?

68 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I have concluded that most of the people that write as you explain are children with smartphones. No, they are not brain dead but their brains are immature and with the ability to express that immaturity and lack of knowledge online this is the phenomenon you mention. Without the smartphone, children would ask parents, family members, friends, etc. Many still do that. But the problem is further amplified by the improper use of the Internet devices available. The subjects you mention are, as you aptly explain, complex. The ones not writing here are busy with school, hobbies, sports, etc. Last year at the venerable Indianapolis 500 race, a nineteen year old boy had to miss his high school prom as he qualified and raced against 32 other professional drivers. In high schools all over kids are introduced to engineering and other sciences. There is an annual robotics competition that showcases these bright students. College students participate in architectural programs, engineering programs, political organizations, charitable organizations, etc. But these do not make the news, unless someone looks. These graduate from top universities but they do not make the news. The pregnant 12 to 15 year old girls make the news. The mother of four kids, aged 22 and broke living off welfare make the news. The criminals make the news. Trash TV celebrates these people. If you know where to look you shall see the bright lights and not the darkness. I hope you do that. Best wishes.

  • Joe
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    No, you're not wrong.

    “I fear the day technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.” - Albert Einstein.

    It's worse than stupidity in my opinion. It's a generation of folks who don't have the ability to think critically. I'm sorry if this is blunt, but that tends to happen when people have had their asses wiped for them their entire life. They could easily learn to use their noodle, but they don't have to, and therefore they don't want to.

    Mostly, I think people who don't know jack about cars just grossly underestimate how complex modern diagnostics can sometimes be. I had it easy, my first cars was a 1981 Honda Accord. When I severely overheated it and cracked the radiator and heater core, my old man responded by offering to help me financially with the cost of replacement parts, told me he'd be inside if I need to ask for help, then smirked and said 'good luck with that' before walking inside. Leaving me looking at my antifreeze dripping onto the gravel. So I learned to wipe my own backside, and I'm very thankful to him for it! :D

  • 6 years ago

    The smarter the technology the DUMBER the users become. This is why I do ALL my own car repairs as the idiots in the workshop are the same ones that ask these kinds of questions on here!

    I went (for a laugh) to a workshop and said I had a problem with a sticking brake on a VW Golf 3. The spotty kid came out with his diagnostic computer and complained that he couldn`t plug it in because I have superglued it shut for that reason.

    I asked for a MECHANIC and was told they only have MECHATRONICS engineers. I had to wait 5 minutes for the tears of laughter to fade before I could drive away. Fixed the problem myself in 5 minutes WITHOUT a computer in sight.

  • 6 years ago

    They don't teach that in school these days,so how is anyone to know first time? They ask for help best as they can. Advise them how to ask better questions and maybe that's the best for them at the moment. Usually, unless you can put your hands on the car, you can't diagnose it. Suggest and guess and that may send them on the path do getting help. Yeah, some people should never even raise the hood or they'll royally eff things up.

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  • 5 years ago

    If you need tho modify your daily life then this is your guide , Manifestation Miracle.

    With Manifestacion Miracle you will learn regulations of attraction. The Manifestation Miracle does a great work of teaching you simply how strongly you'll need to wish something to be able to do what' required in order to get it. Think of desire the same way you would think of a candle. If the candle is using strong then you'll drive past limitations to be able to get that which you want. If the candle is not burning at all, then you won't. Need is just a using fireplace. Not merely have you got to possess it, but you also have to keep tossing timber about it to keep it burning.

    That guide is as easy as it gets and with it you'll have the ability to begin thinking in what' probable very fast.

  • Earl
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    We live in a society where most people take everything for granted and have developed zero critical thinking skills. The days when dads could teach their sons to be self sufficient are fading in the rear view.

    I pray for an EMP. That'll really weed out the useless eaters out there.

  • 6 years ago

    YES everyone has STGRESS and even MORE now with all those SOCIETY RULES and REGUALTIONS for nearly EVERYTHING under the sun! I HATE IT! STGRESS can keep everyone from doing their BEST< and manhy lose their HOMES and CARS from it! IN MY AREA unemployment is EVERYWHERE< and so is CRIME and DEPRESSION! ADD IN some DRUG USE< and you have a country fuLl of MORONS! NO ONE cares about YOU and your probelms or JOYSM but YOU! BYE NOW and GOOD LUCK! i HAVE BEEN IN four hit and runs ON MY CAR! THE poilice ARE useless AND YO8U JUST GET stuck WITH NO AR OR large REAPIRS OR EVEN no insurance AFTER A WHILE! i hate this so much! byhe now!!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    My shlt homie

  • 6 years ago

    It is the way people are taught. A good example is changing out a tire on your car. It seems like everyone should know how to,but they don't. It is not common knowledge or sense if you are not taught the lesson. The only reason people don't touch fire is because they learned it burns them,but someone who doesn't know will get burned. It seems like common sense,but all people think differently which is why the world is how it is. It isn't good,but it isn't exactly bad just unique.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Yes you are right here. People, who post these kind of questions definitely seem to have no brain.

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