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Asking someone to Marry Me?

So was wondering if it is possible to ask someone to marry them at a movie theater? I want to make a sort clip (Star Wars intro style (on movie maker in Windows) which sorta talks about us meeting and a future together, and then at the end it asks her to marry me) I guess my multi questions question are/is 1: will a theater work with me? (Haven't called yet) 2: can I use the starwars theme song without going through copy right fun? 3: does this sound like a good idea? (Btw she's a big starwars fan and we love movies)

7 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    It has been done before. So you should be able to do that. You just have to make the clip, then set it up to play with the projection system. Most are digital these days, so you should use a digital video recorder, possibly a phone or computer to design it. Then convert it to the movie theater format. Technically it is easy. As for format, Disney will not sue you for proposing to your wife. they will want you and your kids to go to Disney world in the future. Star Wars Style is not necessarily copy rite infringement and if there is no profit in it, there is nothing that they can do other than an injunction.

  • 6 years ago

    1. normally movie theaters will do it if you book the place for a private event...not normally during public showings of movies. you could invite family and friends and turn it into an engagement party...assuming you are pretty sure she will say yes. tell her you have a rented the theater for a private showing of a short film you made and tell everyone else not to tell her what's up.

    2. copyright laws only require that you use the stuff for your own use and not for resale or to profit from it or give it to someone else to keep them from buying it. so legally you are good. (my husband writes original music and deals with copyrights)

    3. i personally think it is a great idea. original and fun sounding. hope you pull it off.

    Source(s): professional wedding planner
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    1: Probably, especially if you film it and put it on YouTube and give the theatre credit (free advertising, why not?)

    2: I'm not sure but I would assume yes

    3: If she's a big star wars fan and love movies, I'd say this is a great idea

  • 6 years ago

    Yes, I trully think it's a good proposal idea since your would-be is a star war fan, it will be surprise for her.

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  • 6 years ago

    It seems not typical and the one proposed will be uneasy.

    I think proposal at very happy and stable condition will give best results bc ppl will look in happy for their future.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    no one will marry you

    you don't know writting plus you sound crazy

  • 6 years ago

    you dont need a fancy proposal

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