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Lv 2346 points

Mr. Anonymous

Favorite Answers18%
  • Asking someone to Marry Me?

    So was wondering if it is possible to ask someone to marry them at a movie theater? I want to make a sort clip (Star Wars intro style (on movie maker in Windows) which sorta talks about us meeting and a future together, and then at the end it asks her to marry me) I guess my multi questions question are/is 1: will a theater work with me? (Haven't called yet) 2: can I use the starwars theme song without going through copy right fun? 3: does this sound like a good idea? (Btw she's a big starwars fan and we love movies)

    7 AnswersWeddings6 years ago
  • Does the Navy issue a Pea coat or should I buy one?

    I'm just wondering because I want one for the cold weather and don't want to buy one if they give me one. Are they warm and are they free?

    7 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • ITS vs SECF (Navy rates)?

    Hello everyone, I currently am in DEPs for the Navy and plan to go SECF after basic. I recently I a call from my recruiter say I could leave early, but as a ITS. I had to do research on it and was told to think about it. They both are sub duty and are computer field jobs, but I want to know is one better then the other? Not trying to say one sailor is better than another, but is one choice better to take then the other. Navy ITS school is 14 weeks, while SECF school is about a year (I understand why it's so long as well, due to the choice you may have:FT , ST, or ET). Can I get some advice plz, thanks for reading (Information Technology security (ITS)), (Submarine electrical computer Field (SECF))

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • How to deal with a dead beat future step brother?

    That may have been a poor choice of words, but you can deside through my explanation to why I think he is one. So my sister is with her future to be husband (Tom). They have a baby (Jill), she's awesome and I'm glad my sis (ash) had her. But her choice in husband candidates is terrible he is lazy and drinks to much. He's not abusive physically at all (maybe just talks to much and just get weird ( pyschoish)). He's also a wo- man ( no offense lady's, just saying he is a feather weight to any man). He is 30 and I'm 20, and I do 100% more manly jesters and tasks then he probably has done in his life!!!!ive tried to push him to join me in maybe building a grill or fixing something but he just acts like it's not his cup of tea (and usually it's his own items). I help out because I want them to be happy together for my nieces sake, I never had a full family so I know how it feels when they break apart. Anyone have advice on how to fix this guy? Oh and this isn't just me, my sis is trying hard to find reasons to marry him besides having a love child haha. Electric shock therapy would be a possibility, but to old school....

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • Earning degrees while in Sub ET Navy?

    So I am hoping I get a response from ET1 (SS) USN, but I dont know if he will get this. I want to know how a person on a sub can get a degree? I understand the reasons for limited communication and that you work a majority of the time, but how do you take classes? Packets, computers, or maybe just on shore duty? Thanks for reading everyone, I'm just wanting to make sure I can further my education while in SECF (with college I mean)

    1 AnswerMilitary8 years ago
  • SECF question about college credits?

    I was wondering when you go to your A school for your job you get in SECF (ET, FT, or STS) do you get college credits or something that converts into them? My recruiter and job packet said that the classes you take do, but wanted to see if anyone actual has gone into the program and what they got out of it towards a future education (college) Thanks for reading, and if you don't know then please leaving the commenting for experience sailors in this field, thank you!

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Can a baby drink Coke zero?

    So I have a friend that I saw give their baby some coke zero???! She said it's ok because other moms do it and said it's ok. Is it just me or is that sorta messed up? I would think there is a reason you don't have soda for babies on the market. Could find anything online about this so someone let me know what's up

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • ET on a Submarine VS ET on a Carrier?

    I got SECF on a Sub (S in SECF stands for Submarine by the way), but I want to know if they are equally trained in electronics and if one has a better skill set for a future career in the civilian workforce. Really I just want to know the differences if any (beside one working on a sub and and the other on aircraft) thanks for reading! Plz people that have 2 cents, thanks again!

    4 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Enlisted to NROTC question (NAVY)?

    So I wanted to see if anyone had information on whether or not a prior salior of an age of 27 could join the NROTC while finishing up two more years of college. I currently already have a AAS degree and plan to get a BS. I would prefer to do a NROTC while finishing school, but would I need a age waiver or am I fine? I could just use the GI and work towards a BS the go for OCS, but I thought NROTC would be the safer route in becoming an Officer. Isn't the max age to be commissioned 35 years old? Thanks everyone for reading, just setting up plans and goals ahead of time.

    3 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Can a SECF ET (non nuke) advance to a Nuke ET in time?

    I am going into SECF and I want to know if I could advance into the nuclear field of the Navy? I know the asvab score is a variable in this advancement, but are these two jobs to far apart? Thanks for answering!

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Can I, and should I switch SECF to EOD in the Navy?

    Hi everyone, I am going to the Navy! I'm currently in DEP and my job I picked at MEPs is SECF (which is FT, ET, or ST). I was not offered EOD which isn't a bad thing because I like the sound of SECF. I was told that while I'm in basic ill be asked if I'd be willing to go EOD, is this true? I am not 100% on switching if I could. I just want to know if I can. Also, if anyone can tell me if SECF is a good job route in the navy, that would be welcomed. Sorry for the layered question. I admire both routes either way, but I rather have experienced sailors/ Officers tell me if Im crazy and what's what haha. Thanks everyone!

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • I have a Navy rank question?

    So I qualify to become an E3 due to college credits, when I go into basic. I heard that normal recruits without college will start at a E1 and after completing basic will be E3s. I want to know if I will also have a head start to my next rank of E4? I believe to move from an E3 to an E4 is a 6 month period, but I'm just a bit confused haha. This is Navy also, hint title! Thanks for answering!

    5 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • MOS job qualification question?

    So I have taken my asvab and I scored a 68, which isn't terrible I don't think. I am currently scheduled to go back to MEPs to finish the physical/medical part of my exams, and then find out what job I'm getting. I have been adding up my scores and using to see what I qualify for and I seem to qualify for a good few. I guess my true question is, why did my recruiter say I didn't have the line scores for a job I wanted, but when I added the up I did? Example: CTA - Cryptologic Technician - Administration VE+MK=102

    . My VE+MK= are 53+60, which equal 113??? Is it my main AFQT scores that are keeping me from a job like so?

    1 AnswerMilitary8 years ago
  • Is the Airforce the slowest branch to earn rank in?

    I am only gathering this from blogs and other related posts, but I am hoping I can get information from an airman, thanks for reading and replying

    5 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Marines or Airforce (please read my paragraph* below)?

    Now before this becomes a bias argument, I believe that the Marines are the spear tip of the United States military, and that the Airforce is the intelligence and technology basis of our military. Some reason I find myself between these two branches, hard to explain why these two so very different branches intrigue me so, but I non the less desire to be in both for several reasons.I first wanted the Airforce, good beds, food, cloths, etc, and I am a tech wiz (plus family is a Airforce fam tree: af, af, raf, raf, etc), but I soon saw that they are a desired branch that a lot of people tend to desire which I do not want to be in a branch that does not rank at a increasing rate or respect to keep you after your enlistment. But that's just reviews that I've seen, I can't truly say that is facts. Now I became interested in the Marines ( "wtf, why they aren't treated like af, they are brain washed, blah blah jar head blah...) I am a young man, maybe soft at heart, but I want to be self reliant and able to servive and defend what I hold dear. I want to experience excient and a feeling of true duty and pride (I understand it is in both, but marines just gloat it a bit better) I understand marines are seen as riflemen first and they are given the crap of the crop, but I believe they are changing and that they are building into a self reliant branch ( air, sea, land) and they are opening new tech fields in there branch, which means open slots for YDC enlisted men like myself. I do have future goals as well, I have a 2 year degree and I plan to fight for a four year degree rather than go into debit in a wonderful economy. After which I desire to earn myself a opertunity to get into OCS and be a officer with enlisted experience so i am not seen as just another butter bar smart *** right out of college $@$& guy. Sorry for the long message, it is just hard to deside, and hard to explain in so few words, also I am 22 y o and I have a AAS in information technology +70 c/hrs, thx!

    7 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • I have an associates degree and plan to continue college to become an officer while enlisted?

    I am hard driven and will get my four year degree, so I can attempt OCS, but I have an issue. I am worried that I may not qualify for OCS because when I was in high school I did poorly on my SAT, but my overall gpa and college gpa where both 3.5s. ( I was some what of a bad test taker at the time*) I guess my question is, will I be looked at for my 4 year degree or will it be that and my SAT scores or is that just regarding undergraduates attempting Rotc? Thank you for your time answering this question and sorry for the poor grammar I am on a smile smart phone.

    3 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • I was told if I join the military, that I will be a E-2 right away due to having prior college credit.?

    I understand that with college credit I will be an E-2, but is that before or after basic, and if after, isn't everyone a E-2 afterwards or will I become an E-3? Or would I be an E-2 and everyone else a E-1 ?

    6 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Show can you tell someone you miss them?

    So went on one day already and due for another next week, but I miss her already haha, can I tell her that or does that make me a creeper haha

    1 AnswerReality Television8 years ago
  • So I have a question about a date I had?

    Alright, so I went on a date ( woot woot) and it went well, dinner, ice skating and then coffee shop. We both had a lot of fun and she seemed to really enjoy ice skating, we even held hands most the time. Now I'm sorta old school so I never kiss on a first date, but I asked her out again and she she sure, but this time just dinner and a movie. Now I guess my question is, I feel like I like her (not love, to early and I've never said it before) but I don't know 100% if she likes me, I guess this is apart of the hunt when it comes to dating. Should I ask her if she likes me or am I just rushing, and should I wait till the second date? We have to wait a week, due to school finals this week, so I am sorta like hurry the bleep up already haha

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • which of the following files is a template that contains a macro?

    either .dox or .dotx or .dotm or .dom

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years ago