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Can a SECF ET (non nuke) advance to a Nuke ET in time?

I am going into SECF and I want to know if I could advance into the nuclear field of the Navy? I know the asvab score is a variable in this advancement, but are these two jobs to far apart? Thanks for answering!

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The only way to become a Navy nuke is to enlist as one and survive the nuclear pipeline. The only way to leave the program is to fail the training. A regular ET can never cross rate to become a nuke ET. My son is a nuke ET on an attack submarine and I know how hard it is to make it through that training program.

  • 8 years ago

    "Can a SECF ET (non nuke) advance to a Nuke ET in time?"

    Two entirely different career fields, so no unless you are qualified for the Nuke training pipeline and approved to do a crossrating.

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