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ITS vs SECF (Navy rates)?

Hello everyone, I currently am in DEPs for the Navy and plan to go SECF after basic. I recently I a call from my recruiter say I could leave early, but as a ITS. I had to do research on it and was told to think about it. They both are sub duty and are computer field jobs, but I want to know is one better then the other? Not trying to say one sailor is better than another, but is one choice better to take then the other. Navy ITS school is 14 weeks, while SECF school is about a year (I understand why it's so long as well, due to the choice you may have:FT , ST, or ET). Can I get some advice plz, thanks for reading (Information Technology security (ITS)), (Submarine electrical computer Field (SECF))

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    SECF is the better choice unless you are looking for a quick rating. There is no advantage to joining sooner unless you are offered something better than the original guarantee in your contact.

  • Mrsjvb
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    both are very good ratings with big possibilities afterward with the right additional education via the GI Bill.

    so basically do you want to leave before the first of the year?

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