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MOS job qualification question?

So I have taken my asvab and I scored a 68, which isn't terrible I don't think. I am currently scheduled to go back to MEPs to finish the physical/medical part of my exams, and then find out what job I'm getting. I have been adding up my scores and using to see what I qualify for and I seem to qualify for a good few. I guess my true question is, why did my recruiter say I didn't have the line scores for a job I wanted, but when I added the up I did? Example: CTA - Cryptologic Technician - Administration VE+MK=102

. My VE+MK= are 53+60, which equal 113??? Is it my main AFQT scores that are keeping me from a job like so?

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm assuming you're talking about the Navy.

    The Navy may have raised the qualification score with the drawdown (less openings= more hurdles to jump over) and hasn't updated the scores.

    Ask your recruiter what Ratings are open to you with your scores (navy doesn't use MOS).

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