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I have a Navy rank question?

So I qualify to become an E3 due to college credits, when I go into basic. I heard that normal recruits without college will start at a E1 and after completing basic will be E3s. I want to know if I will also have a head start to my next rank of E4? I believe to move from an E3 to an E4 is a 6 month period, but I'm just a bit confused haha. This is Navy also, hint title! Thanks for answering!

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not everyone will be an E3 when they graduate boot camp. I wasn't an E1. And you have to take a test to become E4. You won't have a "head start" Per se, but you will be starting your career off very well. Especially if you make E4. But like the other person said, it's not just about passing the test, there's other factors that they will teach you about.

  • NWIP
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Navy does not have Ranks they have Rates. E1s do not automatically make E3 at the end of Boot. Nor is college the only option for going in as an E3. You must be E3 for a certain time period before you are eligible to take the E4 advancement exam which is done in March and September. Your taking it does not mean you make it, depends on your total score and how many are advanced. The other option is if you are Enlisting in a Rating that has enough schooling for an automatic advancement when complete.

  • Odds are good you never get promoted. Only the Army has E4's that are not NCO's. The others are picky about who gets E4 and the privilege of your case...there is no rank in the Navy kid, there is no MOS either....I will let you figure all this out later. Pretty sure you need 24 months before E4 is gonna happen...if it does.

    Your Boot Camp buddies will make rate after the minimum time in service. Moving from E1 to E3 is pretty much on auto pilot unless you are a true Fuzzbutt. E3 for them will happen after 12 or 18 months.

    Good Luck Fuzzy

    SSG US Army 73-82

  • 8 years ago

    When you are at RTC you will be referred to as an Seaman Recruit, and will get paid as one until graduation. Once you graduated you are able to wear you stripes on your dress uniform and on you peanut butters.

    EDIT: I didnt read this all the way. I was talking about it you were entering as an E2 or E3

    Source(s): prior service usn
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  • 8 years ago

    Newbies off the street will make E-2 after six months and E-3 after a year. You get about a one year jump on them.

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