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jason asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 6 years ago

global warming true of false?

lets see how touchy this subject is and how smart you are

42 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    Global Warming True Or False

  • 6 years ago

    The cause is often called global warming but what they were talking about was catastrophic human caused warming. With the hockey stick they tried to pretend that climate didn't change before technology came along. That was what Michael Mann's hockey stick that supposedly passes as science was about. They rely on computer programs by activists or idiots(take your choice) that input data into the computer that made CO2 the thermostat. They gave it absurd levels of positive feedback and justified the idiocy by using Michael Mann's anti-science hockey stick and the probable manipulation of the historic climate data. They actually do lower older temps and adjust current temps up. There is no excuse for any scientist to ignore the climate history and just believe Mann. They were therefore activists as well giving them the benefit of doubt. They could really be just ignorant or just wanting to make that pool payment. Politicians give billions for programs that make catastrophic warming. Those are fantasies that exist only in some idiot's computer programs.

    The earth doesn't have an unstable climate so their assumption of even a single degree of warming if they ever double CO2 is highly dubious. I assume they will double the amount of CO2 at least once in the next thousand years. That only equals a couple of degrees and that is if there is no negative feedback. The climate sensitivity may be much less than a degree of warming per doubling. Since the earths climate isn't unstable with earlier actually WARMER periods not causing a runaway greenhouse warming there is no reason to accept the computer models as anything but some stupid computer game. The programmers ignore the geological record and real world data. It is lies built on stupidity and lies.

    The warming from CO2 likely and logically in my opinion will be much less than a degree of warming per doubling. 90 percent of last million years has been much colder and there is no reason to suppose that 10 years from now or 200 years is going to be warmer. Unfortunately we may not get the beneficial warming promised as doom by the cultists. I assume that is why they don't like to call it warming. Only the really gullible would find a little warming threatening and they are all about scaring children and anyone else to push their agendas. That is why they were forced to exaggerate and lie. It is all for the cause.

  • Kano
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Both.There maybe some warming, after all CO2 is a greenhouse gas, although a minor one, water vapour composes of 70% of all greenhouse gases, most scientists accept that a doubling of CO2 which might not happen until the end of this century will cause a warming of 3.7 watts per sq meter, according to wikipedia that equates to 1C.

    But dangerous warming No Way, we dont even know how much warming it would take to be a problem, many times in our past history it has been a lot warmer than now, and generally mankind has thrived during these periods.

  • 6 years ago

    There exists no direct evidence linking "global warming" to humans.

    Infact, global warming isn't even the correct term anymore - its now called "climate change". The most ambiguous name you can give it. Guess what. The world's climate has changed for billions of years. In the medieval era, global temperatures were drastically higher. Do you know what that led to? It led to no more europeans dying of the cold and trying hard to survive. As a result, the Renaissance was established globally and everything thrived. Whats this? Its temperature is still changing naturally? omg its Armageddon. RIP earth, we are 5 degrees hotter.

    Co2 is not a "pollutant". We need it to survive and so do plants. Its absorbed by water. Guess what again, the earth is 70% water. A NASA satellite, which was launched in 1979, has observed the polar caps and has concluded that the ice has not melted or moved at all in the past 40 or so years.

    If youre concerned about global warming - youre an idiot.

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  • 6 years ago

    Most people do not believe in climate change because they are under a rock. See the changes that are affecting our polar regions and how the melting of ice sheets has caused rising temperatures, because without the ice caps the suns light cannot reflect off of the ocean and keep it cool. Instead the sun penetrates the oceans water to the point where water evaporates and moves somewhere else and causes certain areas to flood and certian areas become dry. Global warming is happening because of the logging companies that cut down trees, Most of the C02 we make is inhaled by trees and without them, temps will rise. Global warming will get worse if we keep on monkeying around. Stop supporting money hungry industrial companies that burn coal and waste water.

  • 6 years ago

    Scientifically, there is enough evidence to regard global warming as true. The main concepts are accurate, which include man as the cause, and that it is directly because of fossil fuel emissions in the past 150 years.

    Among scientifically illiterate people, global warming seems to be a matter of opinion rather than a science one.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Global Warming was very real. According to my Global Teams from all walks of life. They said the cause looked like AN ALIEN Organism that was alive. It penetrated our ozone enough to weaken it to only allow just enough heat through to melt all iced areas. My Teams found the only way this specific spot could be located only to melt only iced areas was from outside our ozone= outer space while earth was rotating. Global Warming ended 11/28/2012 confirmed by other Nations to me. / Now our operation is lowering all oceans to return lost land back to all land masses. If you live near the oceans or rivers that feed into oceans put a marker for high tide & low tide & watch land start to go dry, since all oceans are being lowered now. Mike

    Source(s): MY BRAIN
  • 6 years ago

    global warming is true but not man made, it is natural, it just happens, man can add a tiny bit to it with pollution, but very very little. Take out all pollution in the world and still there will be warming because it's natural.

  • 6 years ago

    It's called Global Contro

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    MAN MADE global warming is 99% FALSE. And there are only two initiatives for that whole scandal in the first place, one, is to make a killing off of it, the other, is to destroy all our jobs. It is nothing but a covert effort to gain power and money and control over the masses and I think we should send them b*st*rds up into the ozone layer where they can put their bodies and souls where their mouths are.

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