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Lv 4
Souvik asked in Consumer ElectronicsCameras · 6 years ago

Suggest a camera among these?


Nikon P900

Canon SX60HS

Sony HX300

Any other bridge camera which is better?

Update 2:

@B K: Then why do you bother answering?

2 Answers

  • Andrew
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    He answers because you asked.

    Bridge cameras like these are stupidly expensive for what they are, coming close to a DSLR in price without a hope of matching it in quality. Those wonderful zoom ranges look great on paper, but they're too powerful for the inexperienced user.

    Fujifilm do a number of models at a lower price which balance a less powerful - but easier to use - zoom with viewfinders (a must) and manual controls (if you want to get creative).

    There is a place for bridge cameras, but a DSLR will blow the P900 out of the water, and the casual user can get something that will serve just as well for a much lower price.

  • B K
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I can't recommend any of these.

    Sorry, I wouldn't buy a bridge camera myself, so I'm not going to suggest you do.

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