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Why are people so accepting of Bruce (Caitlyn) Jenner, yet....?

so hateful of Rachel Dolezar? Bruce is born a male, yet claims he's been a woman all his life. He takes some hormones but still has his package, yet is considered a hero by some (ESPN), and called brave and courageous.

Rachel on the other hand, was born as lily white as me, yet claims she is really African-American. She has been vilified by the media. Is there a difference between gender identity and racial identity?

You have a penis, but are accepted as a woman.

You have white skin but are rejected as an African-American?

What gives?

7 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I personally think its all made up. Transgenderism is not real nor is transracialism.

    Question, in ''How to be Asian, or How to be Black or How to be White'' books for dummies, what would they put in there that's not racist and uniquely only applies to one 'race' of human? Now let's break it down through the hundreds of ethnic backgrounds, too and their different behaviorisms that apply to a specific race - its more than 'just race'.

    Also, in a ''How to be a man or how to be a woman'' book, what garbage would they put in that? It's all a hoax. You cannot change who you are, even if you feel like something else.

    So is it really just, ''How to be a trendy American faud?'' or ''How to be a Westernized man/woman''? Or is actually how to be the opposite sex?

    There are people who feel like animals and go through advance body modifications.(Getting cat ears, split tongues, etc) It's nothing but advance modifications; that's all it is. You are what you are.

    Gender is static, and because its so fluid that tells me that Transgenderism is not real. If you put a Westernized transexual in another culture / society where femininty and masuclinity are completely reversed, would they still feel uncomfortable? Probably so. And if this is the case, they are only in love with the false social constructs.

    Someone biologically born a certain sex does not know what it feels like to be another sex, because they aren't the other sex, so how do they know they are ''wrong,'' in the first place. 'Cause they see their sister playing with babies? I'm a female, and I hate barbies. Does that make me Transgender 'cause my female gender mostly played with barbies?

  • 6 years ago

    Caitlyn Jenner is transgender. Gender is fluid, you don't have to agree with your sex to identify as a gender

    Rachel Dolezal is white. However, you cannot change your blood and the amount of melanin in your skin. The fact that you were biologically born to Caucasian parents cannot be changed.

    You can, however, identify as a female even though you don't agree with your body. Someone who is transgender should be accepted into whichever gender label they identify with because it is biologically possible to have both a male and female reproductive system.

    Who said girls have to like pink? No one, that's why gender labels aren't valid. Just because you're a girl on the outside doesn't mean you want to be labeled as one.

    I suppose I understand where Rachel Dolezal is coming from, about the whole labels don't define us, and that's a valid point. However, you can't identify as black the same way you can't identify as having green eyes if you have brown eyes. It just doesn't work the same way as gender identity.

    To directly answer your question, yes, there is a difference between gender identity and racial identity because racial identity isn't actually a thing.

    I'm afraid I don't have a better answer, but I hope I helped!

  • 6 years ago

    I think people would've been more accepting of Rachel Dolezar if she hadn't lied. Bruce (Caitlyn) outed herself in a very classy way. Rachel Dolezar got caught. It's tacky.

    Well, people of color would've been more accepting. White people think it's acceptable to burn themselves to a crisp to get a darker complexion, but unacceptable to actually be born with dark skin. They question why a white woman would want to be black. Insecurities....

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Caitlyn Jenner was born transgender; has always been transgender. She was only biologically born male. She is emotionally and psychologically female. Gender identity is an internal born trait.

    Rachel Dolezar lied about her race to get ahead in life. She does not emotionally feel like a black woman trapped in a white woman body. She basically just lied. Thats all there is to it.

    People have a problem with her dishonesty than anything else.

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  • 6 years ago This article is literally titled "Why Rachel Dolezal’s Fake ‘Transracial’ Identity Is Nothing Like Being Transgender – Take It From a Black Trans Woman Who Knows" and will answer all your questions on this topic.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Race is a myth, no matter what you call yourself, you are still a normal human being.

  • Jimmy
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    Transgenderism is a serious birth condition. There's no such thing as transracism.

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