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If GOD(YHVH) does not exist, then hw do you explain this?

Man healed after 40 years.

PS. I was there and saw it happen.


so sad. so many people refusing to accept the plain truth, even when they see it.

Update 2:

Those who claim these miracles healings are false, I would like to ask you, why is MY 10 ears of repeated ear infects now healed, after people from this church prayed for me, and why is a 6yo girl now healed of dialysis after being prayed for? These are only 3 of more then 10 healing that I have seen (and experienced) in the past year.and a half, since I started going to this church.

9 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    If GOD(YHVH) does not exist, then hw do you explain this?

    Man healed after 40 years.

    ~~~ What is a 'miracle' to some ignorant tribesman, is merely a Bic lighter to me!

  • "His name got drawn for a flat screen TV and instead of being excited about the TV he was amazed he could hear. "

    Hallelujah! The healing power of tv!

    Deaf in an ear... Not even an ailment that could be proven from the start... but a hidden thing a person can pretend to have or pretend to be healed. I hate to burst your bubble, but it's already known that church healings are often staged. Religion has been staging things and pulling parlor tricks on people for centuries.

    If you are comfortable possibly being lied to or want to avoid considering that possibility because you want it to be legit, then you keep on doing your thing. But don't expect us to buy it or use it to try to convince us.

  • 6 years ago

    Why would god allow him to go deaf in the first place?

    This is not testable, falsifiable evidence for the existence of a supreme being, let alone the Christian god Yahweh. And forty years(!) is more than enough time for the man's ear to have healed naturally, making the supernatural explanation superfluous.

  • The same way I can explain I was blind in one eye and through prayer and healing I can now see through it

    I think I'll write a book... make some money by trying to convince others

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  • ennui
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Oh goody, now we have links to Fapbook Fundies.

    I don't do Facebook. Ever. Not even in an incognito window, so I'll just go ahead and assume your link is to more religious horseshit.

  • 6 years ago

    And you know who this guy was and his actual background..

    Or did you just accept what the 'healer' claimed?

    These are some of the oldest cons in the world... how much did you 'contribute' to the ministry?

    And this church of yours is????


  • 6 years ago

    M'dear... there have been people who have rejected God through history, even with face to face with the truth. Look at the Exodus for example. Even when faced with ALL the miracles, plagues, Passover, manna, and even the Tablets, there were thousands of the Hebrews who chose to worship the Egyptian calf-god!

    Make me to know thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me, for thou art the God of my salvation; for thee I wait all the day long. (Psalm 25:4-5)

    MARANATHA! Come, Lord Jesus, COME!

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    He had an operation or had some kind of procedure and the whole thing was set up. He lied to you.

  • 6 years ago

    Argument from ignorance fallacy.....

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