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Lv 7

Do you really believe Christians are not being persecuted in America?

Recently I answered a question here on yahoo. about the "God's not dead" Movie

Tyler, Ted K., Oregon Alley Cat and Atheist Frog all made comments that there was only disagreements with Christians in America. However I wonder if the families of the nine Christians in Charleston S.C. would agree with them, as they were shot dead during Bible study in their own church. My deepest condolences to those families

9 Answers

  • Mia
    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can't believe you are serious. Mainly as the shooter has stated his focus was that they were black. It was racial persecution not religious. Aside from this though if you look around you can find some examples of prejudice for just about any group. Christians as a whole suffer that far less than many, many other groups. Meanwhile some Christian factions are heavily into trying to be the persecutors of groups they disagree with. Through the luxury of numbers they can attempt methods aimed at legalizing their persecution trying to pass laws imposing their beliefs.

  • 6 years ago

    How is it persecution, slick, when one nutty Christian murders other Christians?

    Persecution, generally, is about the majority, or at least those in power, using the force of government to deny equal rights and fair opportunities to a minority group.

    Since Christians are a large majority in this country, and since virtually all the power in this country is in their hands, you claiming that Christians are being persecuted smacks of the Nazis claiming the Jews were persecuting them. Do you see how ridiculous that sounds?

  • 6 years ago

    That horrible attack was carried out by Christian white supremacist. That was a racially motivated attack. Christians have confused a war on their religion with not always getting their way; it's called being part of society.

  • 6 years ago

    No --- but in their very own way, they're asking for it.

    As with any other declaration in life, once you make something 'personal' known,

    you leave yourself wide-open to any and all potential praise, or ridicule.

    "Persecution" is what people of color won't let go of .... 'christians' must suffer their own consequences.

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  • gillie
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    For the hundredth time, they weren't killed because they were Christians, they were killed because they were black. The shooter made that very, very clear.

    You should be ashamed of yourself for exploiting a tragedy to advance your false agenda. You're refusing to acknowledge the real problem and the real victims and trying to make it all about you instead. How self-centered.

  • 6 years ago

    Roof (the shooter) was a white supremacist and a Christian. He's a racist, not an atheist. Those nine people were murdered only because they were black, not because they were Christians. <Insert insult here.>

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    One lone nut on a (racist, not anti-religious) rampage hardly counts as persecution.

    Source(s): I wonder why their JesusGod did not protect them? Very curious indeed.
  • You think they were targeted because of their religion, and not because of their complexion? You do have a persecution complex.

  • 6 years ago

    That was a Christian white supremacist, moron.

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