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Serious Poll: How Many Here in Favorite of Banning NYC Horse-Drawn Carriages or oppose.?

Any tourists or residents in favorite of banning NYC Carriage Horses, please say yes. If not please say no.

Please give serious answer only.


If any horse lovers, Vegans, Vegetarians, Carnivore who knows about NYC, please comment.

Update 2:

Other cities that also working to ban horse-drawn carriage or already banned horse-drawn carriage, please take poll.

3 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Horse-drawn carriages in NYC may have been nice 75+ years ago, but there's no place for them in a modern, congested, 21st century city. They would make a nice tourist attraction in less hectic areas across the country (like the Amish buggy rides in Lancaster, PA), but the safety of the animals and motorists around them MUST be taken into consideration.

    Source(s): Lived in NJ most of my life, drove a delivery truck throughout NYC for 10 years, and lived amongst Amish farms in Pennsylvania for 5 years. I loved waving to the Amish and tourists as I drove by the buggies!
  • Mik
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    no. it's part of nyc. is this an animal humane thing, because if it is, go peddle somewhere else. like maybe san francisco - they're all liberal in that way.

    but ban bike riders and i'm all for it

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago


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