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my mom says laser hair removal for men on the chest is only for gays?

I am not looking for comments about the gay vs nongay issue.

I've always told my brother(he's 17) how I don't like chest hair even on men. It's just that he wears tanks at home so they show and I ask him what he thinks of shaving them and he always disagrees.

So today he was showing my mom his abs (she touched his stomach and asked why it was hard so he showed her) and I brought up the chest hair thing.

"I'm like I don't like these hairs and I think you should shave them" My mom's like "what?? You don't like them?" And I'm like "you like them?? Are you serious??"and she's like "yeah, and men who have chest hair are usually proud of their chest hair and show them off with unbuttoning the top buttons of shirts" and I'm like "well some men are starting to remove them through laser hair removal." And then she said "the only people who remove them are gay"

So this isn't about whether gay is wrong or right, etc. I'm just wondering, in your opinion, especially (you) men, do you think removing the chest hairs is for gay people?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Males are having all sorts of cosmetic procedures done to improve their looks and to also keep themselves looking youthful. Young men are shaving their legs, dyeing their hair, having facials etc. which were once seen as only things females did. The world is changing and men are no longer obsessed with looking masculine and ugly.

    I agree with you as I think hairy chests are ugly and obviously your mother has old fashioned ideas of what men should be. I doubt you will be disowned because you had your chest hair removed so if you think it will make you look sexier then go get it done. You can always shave it and see how you look and how your mother reacts before you take the plunge with laser hair removal.

  • 6 years ago

    I think you have a very strange take on the world! The only guys I know who have had laser hair removal on their chest are a couple of amateur and semi-pro body builders! Most guys; straight, gay, and everything in-between, do nothing more than keep what they have trimmed if necessary!

    Now, back hair - that's another issue!

  • 6 years ago

    Absolutely not. Removing chest hair is so in, even for straight guys.

    Source(s): I'm gay. Don't even care about chest hair.
  • 6 years ago

    Body hair is caused by testosterone. This is the hormone that makes a man male. It gives us body hair, muscles, a deeper voice, baldness (if we have lots of it), and virility. The more we have, the more "male" we are. Body hair (and baldness) is nature's way of showing who is the most virile. Why any man would want to remove it is beyond me!

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  • 6 years ago

    What your mom actually is saying is that she likes your chest hair. Nothing you can do to your body to make you gay. Either your are born gay or not.

  • 6 years ago

    dude, you have these conversations with your mom?? Obviously anytime a generalization is made like that, it is wrong. Think about it, you;re not gay and you thought about doing it. Who's to say there aren't thousands of other straight men with the same idea.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I had it done today, and I prefer women.

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