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What is the inherent value, if any, in sacrificing an immortal being?

I mean, seriously -- that'd be like praising the "courage" and "sacrifice" of an ordinary human being for getting a haircut or trimming his fingernails.

You DO understand that they grow back, right...?

16 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    But but butt Jesus died for our sins! Even though we were not even born yet and hadn't even sinned yet. Lol

    Yeah it is definitely cheating being able to die and come back like that. It makes the whole self sacrifice thing a joke. If I could do it I'd be making life threatening bets all the time.


    A man goes into a bar in a high rise building on the top floor. After a few drinks the man next to him bets that he can jump out the window, fall five stories, and land in his office chair on the fifth floor.

    He takes the sure bet. So the guy jumps out the window and amazingly glides into the window of his office. He then takes the elevator up to collect his money and have another drink.

    After a few more drinks the first man gets the courage up to make the same bet. He then proceeds to jump out the window and falls ten stories straight to the ground. Splat!

    The bartender hands the other guy the money he was holding and says, "Ya know, sometimes you can be a real jerk Superman!"

  • 6 years ago

    Which is why the fundamentalist insistence on the crucifixion is rather daft. Anybody can be crucified.

    The point of the story is precisely that he is resurrected, vanquisher of death itself.

    Now I understand this may not fit your rationalist world view, and really, it has nothing to do with rationality. Fundamentalists, by trying to parrot the language of rationality (fundamentalism being a reaction to modernity and not a return to anything historical at all), are coming up with a ridiculous discourse.

  • 6 years ago

    I suppose because in the story, Jesus had normal human feelings and felt all the pain of being crucified. Usually, when you point out that it is not much of a sacrifice when he is a god and can come back to life like a cartoon character, they point to the suffering he endured. It still makes no sense to do this in order to forgive humans. It makes no sense whatsoever.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Well, first, are you saying Jesus went through nothing?

    40 hard lashes?

    You been lashed? No? With spikes? No?

    Think Jesus felt nothing?

    Oh, little detail of crucifixion? No biggy, huh? U done it?

    But you know, right?

    Then...what I doubt you know...yes, or care sounding without any

    good feelings for suffering...yes?

    The 2nd death.

    Did Jesus do anything for the 1st? Ah, the 2nd?

    Jesus hzd to do it all.

    Try to trivialize it less. But sounds like you might...

    well, let's hope not.

    It was beyond costly, but only God could do it.

    You're right that He is/was immortal.

    You're... Dead...wrong it was a cakewalk.

    I think that describes your will be forgotten, Jesus? Never.

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  • 6 years ago

    100% right , of course it never happened he never existed and adam never existed either to condemn the human race to guilt , it has been a wonderfully effective way of keeping control of people , which of course is what it was invented for

  • FYI...Jesus was conceived, and born, on Earth... Fully mortal man.... Jesus did not become immortal until he ascended into Heaven... Jesus was just as vulnerable to losing that chance at immortality as any other mortal man... fortunately for man-kind... Jesus did not succumb to the temptations to sin... the ONLY man to never sin on Earth... otherwise his sacrifice would have been in vain.... and man-kind would have been cut off from being able to come to God and also claiming God's Free Gift of Salvation(immortality)

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    I'm sure Marvel would tell you it helps to sell comic books.

  • J
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Hair can be cut. It grows back. That is the nature of hair.

    There is nothing in the nature of immortality that includes death.

    Jesus did not rise from the dead because He was immortal. He rose from the dead because He died.

    An immortal being allowed Himself to die.

    I am not sure it can be explained more clearly than that...unless your issue is that you don't understand the line that divides immortality and death.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    You DO understand that a Biblical "sacrifice" is a payment for sin, right... ?

    Jesus' death did that. That He resurrected doesn't alter the fact that He still died in the first place.

    If it's such an easy thing to die and resurrect, then by all means, do it. I'll wait...

    Go ahead... die and resurrect for atheism... show us how it's such a trivial thing...

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    The real question is

    Why would an all powerful, all knowing thing,

    sacrifice himself,

    To prevent himself,

    From making a decision,

    To destroy everyone,

    he created himself


    Can someone please explain the logic in this process...

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