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Examples of modern places?

Let's say you were living in USA 1970.

Now it is 2015. What modern places exist today that people in 1970 never could imagine?

Is Whole Foods market an example of this?

or WiFi cafe?

I have to write an essay.

1 Answer

  • Laurie
    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, actually, I WAS living in USA in 1970... that was the year I graduated from high school. Here are some things/places that did not exist then, in addition to WiFi cafes and hotels:

    Online shopping sites (we had only catalogs, especially Sears & Roebuck, and JC Penneys)

    Medical facilities that use digital X-rays and other digital technology

    Auto Maintenance shops with computerized diagnostics

    Online banks, search engines like Google

    Businesses using fax machines or the Internet or digital answering machines

    Apple stores

    Dealerships selling electric/hybrid cars

    Appliance stores selling thin, flat-screen computer monitors and/or televisions, mp3 players/Ipods, personal computers, iPads, digital cameras, camcorders, DVDs/players

    Grocery stores using bar code scanners

    Cell Phone stores

    Banks with ATMs

    Stores that sold disposable contact lenses

    Several restaurant chains

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