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Direct Deposit?

My bank account that I opened last Thursday closed, and I work for Kroger I have canceled the direct deposit, but I'm stressing really bad right now cause I really can't afford to go a week without a check. The Kroger HR says 3 pay cycles it takes so will I even get a paper check tomorrow? I did the direct deposit last Thursday so today is Wednesday, do I still have hope?

2 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    If HR says it will take 3 pay cycles for the direct deposit to kick in, and tomorrow is the first pay cycle since you initiated direct deposit, then it seems as though you would receive paper checks until the direct deposit, which you've cancelled, would have kicked in 2 more cycles from now.

    Source(s): Logic
  • 6 years ago

    I cannot say for sure but direct deposit does take a while to process. Opening a bank account and not putting money in it - how could expect to have a "valid" and "open" account without any funds? You should have figured on it being closed, especially if you first deposited money and then withdrew it.

    Source(s): Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
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