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  • Legal Advice?

    Legal Advise

    My wife is a Police Officer for Memphis TN, and she recently exchanged words with a Lieutenant (woman) of the Shelby county (jail) while booking someone. She advised me that the Lieutenant started talking to her crazy and disrespectful and she returned the favor and a verbal altercation began. So a few days ago she was advised that she had to cut 8 days without pay due to this incident. So are there any legal solutions to this incident, because she and I feel the process was done unfairly. We already have the Union involved, but we want more opinions on the matter. Serious Answers only please!

    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 day ago
  • Pre-Requisite and Co-Requisite?

    I just saw my grades, a week ago, and I passed my Co-Requisite (English Comp 1) but not my Pre-Requisite (English Support), is their anyone I can talk to help with this. Do I have to take English support again?

  • Can I pass English Support if I pass English Comp 1?

    I attend Southwest Tennessee Community Colege in Memphis. This semester, I am taking English Support & English Comp 1 at the same time. I am doing great in Comp 1, but English Support not so much. But all in all, I am doing my work. I was told by a few students, that If I pass English Comp 1 I will pass Support automatically. I am not really sure on this but it seems reasonable to believe. I really want to get this course out the way. I also know that it really doesn’t count towards my GPA, but I want to get this Support class out the way.

  • Background Checks?

    Do law enforcement backgrounds take longer than other job backgrounds? What is the average length of time for government and law enforcement jobs

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police5 years ago
  • Correctional Officer job information?

    I recently applied to be a Correctional Officer, for Shebly County Tennessee. And to make a long story short, I have already passed the physical and just last week on the 9th of May I took my written exam. Which wasn't to tough I think I did pretty well. We also had to write a case report which was pretty simple I would say. And that is also being scored to. You must have at least a 70 on the exam to pass. My question is the background check portion of the job. Which spans from May 13 to the 27, with the 27 being next week on Friday. So with the interviews starting June 1st, should I expect a call before the 27th or after. I really would appreciate some good information cause I really want this job so I can get my career started in law enforcement. Thank you

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police5 years ago
  • Direct Deposit?

    My bank account that I opened last Thursday closed, and I work for Kroger I have canceled the direct deposit, but I'm stressing really bad right now cause I really can't afford to go a week without a check. The Kroger HR says 3 pay cycles it takes so will I even get a paper check tomorrow? I did the direct deposit last Thursday so today is Wednesday, do I still have hope?

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance6 years ago
  • Maybe I am insecure?

    Basically my girlfriend said i ask to many questions, reason why is because yesterday i called her, she said she said she was about to go eat some food ( restaurant). I asked her what she was about to eat, she replied back saying " I ask to many questions". So she called me later on that day. saying she was full, and i asked what she ate and she relied " On the Border". Being funny i asked did you save me some food and she replied saying i ask to many questions. Now momma didn't raise no fool i have a gut feeling she went out to eat with one of here guy friends. Im just confused did i overstep?

    Serious answers please.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Confused boyfriend #2?

    Me and my girl have been together for 7 months. We have only had sex about 6 or 7 times. The only problem now is, she wants to be ceilabate. I respect her decision and I'm willing to wait. Till she is ready to do it again. But being a man you can't help but wonder why. I'm 22 she is

    23 we're pretty young right? Yes I know. Why so soon to refrain from sex I do it excellent that's not the problem. So the other night she text me saying

    ‘‘ I don't want to talk today. I'm not mad at you for anything. I just want to be MIA for once without getting my phone blown up.’’

    So now I'm really confused I texted her this morning but I haven't called. Lord knows I want to. But it's kinda hard not to fear the worst, which is cheating but I hope that's not the case. Last night when I dropped her off I thought everything was fine we kissed and joked around. And then she hits me with the text message At 4 in the morning.

    Can anybody help me? Serious answers only please.

    Singles & Dating6 years ago
  • Confused Boyfriend?

    My girl just texted me saying.

    ’’I don't want to talk today. I'm not mad at you for anything. I just want to be MIA for once without getting my phone blown up.’’

    I don't know where this has came from but I'm lost. What should I do.

    Serious answers please people.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What Happened?

    I recently was rejected for a 2nd date by a girl i met a week ago. During the time we were talking we basically texted, but never talked on the phone. That is more or less my fault since i should've called, so we didn't have to text so much. But moving we recently went on a date, she said she wasn't hungry so we just got some sonic and headed to the river to talk and get to know each other better. So during the car ride back i told her that the second date we could probably do dinner and movie something simple. So she replied " ok see you sunday" so i was thinking "cool everything went well". Until i got home when she texted me and said " Im sorry but im not interested in the second date". So i was kinda confused so i asked did i do something wrong and she replied " No your a great guy. So the next question i asked was " Im just not your type right"? And she said YES.

    So not only was i confused, but i started speculating, like maybe the date sucked, or i brought her home to early. i am going crazy trying to figure out why and what i did wrong.

    But one thing i can say is i was being myself the whole time. Maybe i should've said i promise the second date will be much better.


    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago