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What Happened?

I recently was rejected for a 2nd date by a girl i met a week ago. During the time we were talking we basically texted, but never talked on the phone. That is more or less my fault since i should've called, so we didn't have to text so much. But moving we recently went on a date, she said she wasn't hungry so we just got some sonic and headed to the river to talk and get to know each other better. So during the car ride back i told her that the second date we could probably do dinner and movie something simple. So she replied " ok see you sunday" so i was thinking "cool everything went well". Until i got home when she texted me and said " Im sorry but im not interested in the second date". So i was kinda confused so i asked did i do something wrong and she replied " No your a great guy. So the next question i asked was " Im just not your type right"? And she said YES.

So not only was i confused, but i started speculating, like maybe the date sucked, or i brought her home to early. i am going crazy trying to figure out why and what i did wrong.

But one thing i can say is i was being myself the whole time. Maybe i should've said i promise the second date will be much better.


2 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've been in this position countless times and she didn't want to say it to your face because you're clearly a really nice guy who cares about her. She simply wasn't interested, just as you may not be interested in every girl that flirts with you. There is nothing you can change about it, and nothing you should. Don't let a girl make you second guess your worth--you evidently only have the best intentions and deserve someone much better.

  • 7 years ago

    don't try it.......!

    you can never fully understand a girl.

    discover a better one around.

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