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Maybe I am insecure?

Basically my girlfriend said i ask to many questions, reason why is because yesterday i called her, she said she said she was about to go eat some food ( restaurant). I asked her what she was about to eat, she replied back saying " I ask to many questions". So she called me later on that day. saying she was full, and i asked what she ate and she relied " On the Border". Being funny i asked did you save me some food and she replied saying i ask to many questions. Now momma didn't raise no fool i have a gut feeling she went out to eat with one of here guy friends. Im just confused did i overstep?

Serious answers please.

1 Answer

  • 6 years ago

    LOL! Momma didn't raise no fool, I like that. Kudos for a sense of humor.

    I think your reading into this to much, especially if it was the first occurrence. Other than not answering every question has she ever gave you any indication she was cheating? If not, I wouldn't overreact just yet. If she continues to do it every time she goes out or does something, then maybe you have a right to be suspicious.

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