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Correctional Officer job information?

I recently applied to be a Correctional Officer, for Shebly County Tennessee. And to make a long story short, I have already passed the physical and just last week on the 9th of May I took my written exam. Which wasn't to tough I think I did pretty well. We also had to write a case report which was pretty simple I would say. And that is also being scored to. You must have at least a 70 on the exam to pass. My question is the background check portion of the job. Which spans from May 13 to the 27, with the 27 being next week on Friday. So with the interviews starting June 1st, should I expect a call before the 27th or after. I really would appreciate some good information cause I really want this job so I can get my career started in law enforcement. Thank you

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You'll get a call when they're ready to call you. We have no idea how long it'll take them.

    UPDATE: It should also be worth noting that I've been through this process twice, and the background investigation had a set date for me, and both times it took them 30 days over the promised date they would be done.

    Just be patient my friend.

    Source(s): Process in becoming a police officer
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