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Confused boyfriend #2?

Me and my girl have been together for 7 months. We have only had sex about 6 or 7 times. The only problem now is, she wants to be ceilabate. I respect her decision and I'm willing to wait. Till she is ready to do it again. But being a man you can't help but wonder why. I'm 22 she is

23 we're pretty young right? Yes I know. Why so soon to refrain from sex I do it excellent that's not the problem. So the other night she text me saying

‘‘ I don't want to talk today. I'm not mad at you for anything. I just want to be MIA for once without getting my phone blown up.’’

So now I'm really confused I texted her this morning but I haven't called. Lord knows I want to. But it's kinda hard not to fear the worst, which is cheating but I hope that's not the case. Last night when I dropped her off I thought everything was fine we kissed and joked around. And then she hits me with the text message At 4 in the morning.

Can anybody help me? Serious answers only please.

1 Answer

  • 6 years ago

    I think the word you want to use is "celibate"!

    I also think you are wrong about "...the worst, which is cheating". I think the worst would be her having second thoughts about the sex! You say "I do it excellent that's not the problem" but how do you know that? Did she tell you? Have you been with other women? Have you cheated?

    In any case, there are too many variables to take into account before you get a helpful answer. She could be having a physical problem, but most likely she just wants to think about things on her own and doesn't want you to be involved. It could be a mental problem, perhaps due to a chaste up-bringing. Whatever, if you really love her, you must give her some space for a while. Let her make a decision and accept it like a man.

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