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Confused Boyfriend?

My girl just texted me saying.

’’I don't want to talk today. I'm not mad at you for anything. I just want to be MIA for once without getting my phone blown up.’’

I don't know where this has came from but I'm lost. What should I do.

Serious answers please people.

2 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    space is very important in a relationship...

    dont really know what exactly ur girl means by this but its not such a bad thing to want to be alone for a day rite?

    ask her if anything is wrong and see if she is upset about anything (maybe she needs u)

    if the issue is just a little time off , give her what she's asking for and u can talk to her tomorrow about why she felt this way...

    if she is in one of her mood swings make sure that ur giving her the space but let her know ur just a text away

    (and make the next day as special as possible)

    dont think too much... maybe even u can enjoy a day off.. go out with ur guy friends or just lie around doing guy stuff or whatever


  • 6 years ago

    Eventually you will find out the reason when she's ready in the meantime let her be.

    If you have done that to her in the past (going MIA) she's doing it to show you how it feels.

    If you have not done so she might really needs the time off.

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