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Why are some people angered when a man withholds assets from his wife?

We aren't always in the mood to share, just because we married someone. And sometimes a long wait makes it that much more special when we finally give her what she wants.

32 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They seem to think that its somehow the man's duty to provide for his wife, which is quite weird since these same people won't be as angered if the wife refuses to cook, clean or put out for her husband. In these people's hypocritical worldview, its "oppressive" to coerce a woman into her feminine gender roles, but the masculine gender roles are written in stone and any man who does not adhere to them is scum.

    If the husband doesn't give his wife money, she will probably go to someone else for money - possibly another man, and she would be viewed by everyone as a victim and the husband as a monster. On the other hand, if a wife refuses to provide her husband with sex and he goes to some other woman seeking what his wife does not give him, the husband would *still* be seen as the monster and the wife as the victim.

    So what if not having sex won't kill him? That's not the point. All that proves is that men perform more vital gender roles than women. However that should NOT be a reason to give women leeway to not perform any of their gendered marital duties, while demanding that husbands keep their end of the deal and keep acting as the providers.

    The only conclusion I can reach about why some people would get angry about a man withholding assets, but not about a woman withholding sex, cooking and cleaning is because these people view women as human beings and respect their autonomy, but in their eyes husbands are less than human, just subhuman walking cash dispensing machines.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    Whatever works for you, brother - nobody outside of your marriage has a right to tell you how to you handle your own money. That said, though, the one person who does have a right to be angry about this sort of thing is your wife. If you're making her unhappy on a regular basis by withholding money that she wants or needs, then this method is not working. You and your wife need to be on the same page about how the household finances work, and she should have just as much of a voice as you if you want the marriage to stay strong.

  • S
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    If the wife has everything she needs then I don't see why a man cant hide some assets. But if you live hand to mouth with savings less than two month worth the wife needs to know so she can be a helpmate.

  • 6 years ago

    W', explaining why people get angry is beyond my abilities; she trying to figure out why ONE person gets angry, when I am there to see it happen, is often beyond me. As for withholding assets, I would like you to expand your question. For example, in a scenario where the man is the sole breadwinner of the family and withholds any money for his wife to care for the household/children/etc., that would seem a form of abuse and the breaking of the marital contract, which I could see as raising ire. More detail would be nice.

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  • 6 years ago

    "....We aren't always in the mood to share, just because we married someone..."

    So, by your reasoning, when a woman withholds her "assets" from her husband it then it "...makes it that much more special..." when she concededs to "share" them? Or does he just feel like she is selfish witch and the marriage is doomed, since she is so sparing with when she CHOOSES to share her assests? That rather than being an equal partner he is being a begger to her?

    Why should she feel any different when the Husband refuses to share for any period of time?

  • 6 years ago

    My husband has hid a lot of cash from me in the past and it was upsetting when he went and bought a motorcycle, etc. when I did not even know he had the money. It would not have bothered me if he had told me that he was saving some money back but it did bother me not knowing.

    He hid this money so if something had happened to him then I would never have known about it. He had some in his glove box in his truck so I may have sold the truck and never looked. I personally think it is okay for you to hold back money but tell your wife that you are doing it and where it is.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I think you have to look at it in a woman's perspective if she didn't have a choice but to leave her job, leave her career and take care of little ones just to be with you. For a lotbof women, settling down and having children becomes a burden to their career. Keep in mind, most of these women do go back to work but not all of them are nowhere close to when they left their career. It is a big sacrifice.. and believe it or not, these issues of childcare come up.

    It's up to you to withold assets from your wife. However, if you realize one day that she resents you and start to pull back, yoi got yourself to blame. Most of the time, by the time you decide to disclose everything even the littlest cent, your relationship might already be at the crossroads.

    In my view, you always need to give 100% of everything in marriage to make it work. There are woman out there who are materialistic- however, majority of us just want a happy ending.

    Dislike the consequences? leaving in is an option

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Because the husband is supposed to give up everything, from money to nuts to soul upon marriage. Notice how nobody gets angered when a woman withholds ASStits from her husband. In fact, turns out its the guy's fault he's not getting any.

    There is a group of wives in this millionaire wives' club, who get annual performance bonuses. We should all be so lucky.

  • 6 years ago

    Maybe cause keeping secrets is wrong especially when is pertains to assets that could be needed to help the household when times are tough. It shows a lack of trust in your spouse which is also wrong.

  • 6 years ago

    in past years it's never been equality among the sexes, men earned more than women (today as well) so anytime a man whthholds sharing or doesn't treat his woman well (as was in the past if he was to be successful in his career) then that angers some people because the man isn't showing good etiquette and isn't showing that he's a "real man".

    But of course in a divorce the man MUST provide his assets or a private investigator for her attorney will find them and make you share. But too in some states it's mandated that you "will" share half.

    I'd be curious as to what you think a woman "finally" wants (since not all women are the same).

    Mood has absolutely nothing to do with marriage. If you're still moody then maybe you're still under 25.

  • 6 years ago

    And the same works in reverse. Unfortunately, that behavior, especially over time, usually leads to resentment and anger, and that's not a recipe for a happy home for anyone.

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