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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 6 years ago

Why can't the Republicans find any candidates who are rude enough or mean enough to satisfy their base supporters?

Sure, Trump is rude and mean. But has he really proven his true loyalty to the GOP by saying things that are truly all that hateful? Why simply claim in a Presidential debate that Rosie O' Donnell, a celebrity, is a "fat pig" or that all of your opponents are stupid? Shouldn't a truly Republican candidate be insulting everyone in stronger terms than that? What about four-letter words, the c-word for Hillary, and stuff like that? If you really want to impress Republicans, using the c-word for Hillary ought to be a prerequisite, don't you think?

8 Answers

  • Gaius
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Your rude and misrepresenting "question" exposes your failure to correctly read the support Trump is getting as well as exposes your hypocrisy (by being"rude and mean." His support is drawn by those on the right who are tired of hearing about solutions without any action. A businessman is judged on his actions and results as a politician is judged mostly by his elections, not actions and results. Politicians pander while successful businessman say what's on their mind, critical or not. The independents like him because his lack of campaign contribution needs means he may not be bought by those who give those campaign dollars.

    No one truly agrees with most of what he says, as he is extreme. But most of us do know we need someone willing to get things done that have been kicked down the road by politicians who lack any sense of business skills.

  • 6 years ago

    Richard, it is clear that you are a high taxation big government socialist who wants all of the power concentrated into the hands of a few high government elite, who then "take care of us" and protect us from ourselves. And big government power monger that you are, you have decided that stooping to such low levels with these very adolescent comments actually advances your high taxation big government agenda, at the expense of individual freedom. I feel sorry for you.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Well the democrats have Hillary and she satisfies all the leftist haters.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I think your thinking of candidates for the lead singer of black sabbath

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  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    All the rude, mean people run as democrats.

  • 6 years ago

    You're kidding right?!?!?

  • 6 years ago

    He says what is on his mind, and that is refreshing.

    Not that I am going to vote for him. But he is on the up and up.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    TRUE =/= mean, rude or hateful

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