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so like its unfair right?...?

im single 33 practically a virgin

(just oral sex)

ive never been married never been loved

but I get harassed and insulted a lot.

the man I loved married a skinny

Mexican Caucasian looking whore...

she was literally a prostitute...

it's not fair is it?

so I refuse to date I refuse to f@ck

I refuse to marry..

nobody loved me

I do not have to love you.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Nothing is unfair, because there is no Great Big Mommy in the sky, making sure everyone gets a piece of pie that is the same size.

    Things just happen.

    And either you see the opportunity or you do not.

    And either you make yourself into someone who can make things happen . or you do not.

    No, you do not have to love me.

    But that is your loss.

    Not because I am some great shake ..

    but because psychological research indicates that the more a person cares about others and shares with others, the happier they are.

    And the more isolated they are and focus on themselves, the more neurotic and unhappy they will be.

    You can be as unhappy as you want to be.

    It has nothing to do with fairness.

    But until you face your unhappiness and learn how to deal with it you will be full of bitterness and hurt and hate. And will never be happy.

    And this is YOUR loss. A waste of a life, and great sorrow.

    As for the man you loved ...

    love is only 11% of what makes it work.

    Obviously, you allowed yourself to fall in love with someone you were not compatible with, someone who was not suited for you.

    You have only yourself to blame that you picked someone not suited for you.

    And that you have not developed the social skills that attract love to you, and allow love to grow and develop.

    You CAN change that.

    Get some therapy.

    You are an unhappy person, and at age 33, this is not likely to change UNLESS you get some therapy.

    I would suggest cognitive behavioral therapy at some point. Insight therapy (things that happened in the past) is interesting, but doesn't really produce inner change. You need CBT to change who you are inside, and to learn to become happy.

    Please become happy ... for your own sake.

    And stop thinking about fair.

    Until we accept ourselves, we cannot love ourselves. And we cannot love anyone else with enough skill to keep their love.

    And until we ARE happy, with ourselves, with our life as it IS .. we do NOT end up happier in a relationship once the initial infatuation phase has worn off.

    So, rather than be bitter and resigned, and rather than go out to play ball when you haven't developed the skills to DO that ...

    get some therapy.

    It is up to you how you life turns out.

    Right now you seem to want to sit in a corner with a "kick me" sign on, feeling like a victim, instead of changing yourself and thereby changing your life.

    No one else can do it or you

    We attract what we feel inside. This is why you attract people who harass and insult you .. because YOU hate yourself, and they unconsciously pick up on that.

  • 6 years ago

    yea he has a lot in common with her. she is a promiscuous whore so is he. she does a lot of drugs so does he. she drinks a lot so does he.

    I am not unhappy. im sad nobody loved me but they were capable of loving an evil skinny prostitute.

    I guess he likes her f@cking skills not actually her.

    no other people "claim" they hate me, which is hilarious.

    because I do not know nobody.

    which means they are either stalkers or somebody that was cruel or mean to me

    that I turned down and I trying to be vengeful.

    which proves my point.

    I have never been evil nor mean nor cruel to somebody.

    they were to me so I do not love them no more.

    that is their loss.

    because when I love it is beautiful.

    my love is beautiful.

    nobody on this Earth or Universe is like me.

    I love without malice, without hate, without prejudice and without bias.

    my love is sincere and pure and honest.

    nobody has NEVER paid for my love. nobody.

    but people like whores like that skinny prostitute.

    they PAID HER so she WOULD FAKE love them.

    no honey.

    I lost nothing.

    I still am beautiful and people like you still hate me.

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